Remember you only have to do 15 minutes a month now to be considered an active witness. I think had something to do with their "increase".
2009 Annual Worldwide Service Report -- 7.3 Million Publishers
by Joker10 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The church operates numerous schools, hospitals and publishing houses worldwide, as well as a prominent humanitarian aid organization known as the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). (from Wiki)
They probably grow worldwide because of these services and at least consider such probably part of their ministry.
Ultimate Reality
Don't forget about this:
The Kingdom Ministry reported 48,165 new publishers in August. This number is being manipulated. Those that are "re-activated" get counted again, unbaptized publishers, 15 minute publishers, "studying" with one's children, and all those that didn't turn in time reports before the August service year cut-off.
This way they can hide how many are actually leaving; the true influx of new baptized ones barely makes up for those leaving.
Lady Lee
Where was the WTS when
Too bad the society didn't have the same concern for molested children
They were running around with muzzles for the victims and welcome banners for the abusers
or those that were forced to die because of a lack of a blood transfusion. They even had a magazine with the faces of children who had died from the lack of a transfusion
They were running around crying prejudice, freedom of religion and trying to create martyrs for the cause
Where were they when the women were being raped and murdered in Malawi over a silly card?
Again crying out prejudice and persecution while over in Mexico they were allowing brothers to bribe officials for a card saying they had completed their tour of duty in the army (Crisis of Conscience Chapter 6)
The WTS was proven to show how they play with the numbers in the ever changing number of JWs in concentration camps and who were killed during WW3. Those of us who ever had a part on any convention talk know how our "experience" was coached to sound better than it really was.
I have absolutely no reason to believe their ever increasing numbers
Just to clarify that 15 minute publisher, it is an older or sick person who can't get out and only the elders on the service committee decide who qualifies. Just any publisher can't turn in 15 minutes a month and be counted as active.
*** km 10/02 p. 8 par. 6 How Congregation Book Study Overseers Show Personal Interest ***The book study overseer is interested in those who because of their circumstances are able to have only a small share in the preaching work. He makes sure that those who are very limited because of advanced age or because of being shut-ins and those who are temporarily limited because of serious illness or injury are aware of the provision that allows them to report field service time in 15-minute increments if they are not able to report a complete hour during one month. (The Congregation Service Committee determines who qualifies for this provision.)
Lets not forget both parents can now count the time with the kids.
certainly is encouraging to see Jerkhoobah speeding up the work so honest hearted ones can learn his ways, with the earth's population approaching just 7 billion many now can be saved and only 6 billion plus including many babies and children will be murdered at the Big A, how loving of our father to be letting so many honest folks live and see his ways!
I wonder what the hours were per publisher? bible studies per publisher? how many hours it takes to make one convert? Compared to last year?
I strongly suspect that their rate of growth is minimal, especially when one compares it to the numbers pre-1975... [And I apologize for not having those numbers at hand... If someone could please double-check that statement for me, I'd appreciate it...]
That was their last big "hurrah", and unless something REALLY weird happens in world events - that would 'prove' them "right" - they aren't EVER going to see numbers like that again. Again, I very much doubt that even the post-9/11 growth spurt measured up to the pre-1975 leaps of growth... Could someone please double-check, that?? Blondie?? You are the one person most likely to have that info; I haven't kept any of the old literature...
in advance...
The figures may have come from the U S Kingdom Ministry. I got some of the U K report from the British edition a few weeks ago. The 2010 Yearbook should soon be out if it is not already and I'm sure we would all appreciate seeing a scanned copy on this site as soon as our American friends get a copy,