Useless street witnessing in the Carribean Islands.......................

by RULES & REGULATIONS 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I just came back from a 12 day Carribean cruise and visited the Islands of Grenada, Saint Lucia, Barbados,and 4 other Islands. The temperature was around 90 degrees every day. It is that warm all year round for them.

    All around the street markets and shopping areas we saw Jehovah's Witnesses street witnessing . They were all sitting around in the shade holding a Watchtower magazine without ever talking to anyone. They held up the magazine while talking to each other. I watched them for about 20 minutes while my wife shopped and never saw anyone approach them .

    Did you ever street witness? What were you told to do when you went street witnessing? Is holding a magazine really preaching or just getting in service time?

  • JWoods

    Same for sitting worthlessly at an airport information kiosk for hours on end...time gets marked, but that is about all.

  • JWoods

    BTW, the scientologists have this down to an art with those tents at the fair.

    First, the name Scientology is carefully not shown anywhere - they advertise Stress Management or some such subterfuge.

    Secondly, they actually dispatch other Scientologists to pretend to wander in and get audited so that it looks like they have customers.

  • snowbird


    Why, back in the day, we covered out little downtown area in record time!

    We talked to merchants, bankers, police, homeless persons, fire hydrants, etc.

    We meant business!


  • OnTheWayOut

    My wife's best friend (JW) moved back home to a tropical island. We visited and had to take a ferry out to that particular island. She was in the town square on a bench with two other "pioneers." They sat on that bench with mags propped up and the whole crowd was passing by not closer than 10 yards from them. Nobody walked over to them except us, because we were looking for one of them.

    They bragged about how they "got their time started early" and found a great parking place and managed to get that bench before anyone else could. As it turns out, about the only people who sit on the bench are people looking for friends coming off the ferry or cabbies on a break.

    Nothing whatsoever was in their conversation about the people they met or talked to. That's because they didn't meet anyone- the world was 10 yards and more away from them, but they would not give up their spot. It was all about the "time."

  • lepermessiah

    There was a local family who used to drive to Florida every year - it was I think almost a 20 hour drive.

    They would stick WT's in the windows of the car and count the time on the way down.......LOL

    Believe me, its too stupid to make up! I couldnt believe it when the son told me.......

  • thetrueone

    Street witnessing is varied anomaly around the world that JW will do to get in their time, we use to do it early Saturday morning at

    locations where people might be walking by. If memory serves me correctly it was an easy way to get in a hour, before heading out into

    the door to door work. My ex-wife who was originally from Florida and moved up here into Canada, said she never seen that before.

    An easy hour to put down on the publishing report card

  • BluesBrother

    In the U K they stopped that kind of street work decades ago, before even I was doing it.. When we did "informal" we had to approach people and strike up a conversation...Most of the dubs found that hard, me included, so it was not done very much , except by chatty Pioneers who needed to keep the time clock ticking..

  • undercover
    All around the street markets and shopping areas we saw Jehovah's Witnesses street witnessing . They were all sitting around in the shade holding a Watchtower magazine without ever talking to anyone. They held up the magazine while talking to each other.
    Same for sitting worthlessly at an airport information kiosk for hours on end

    Yea...what happened to the days of having 2 and 3 scriptures ready to use to explain why we were in the 'last days' and then tie it in with whatever magazine or book we were shilling? We used to have to know what we were selling before we hit the streets.

    Nowadays it seems all they need are warm bodies to hold up the magazines and hope someone notices. It's almost like they're reverting to the old sandwich board days. They might as one's buying the mags. Why not save some trees and just paint up some boards and carry them around if you're not actually going to try to preach or teach?

  • boyzone

    They're very laid back in Barbados anyway, thats just the way it is. My hubby was shouted at in the street outside the bus station in Bridgtown. Some guy yelled "hey man slow down, you walkin' too fast!"

    yep, good holiday

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