Strange Words in an Old Book

by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    From an old WT book entitled Enemies by Rutherford, p. 293

    'Peace and safety; we have silenced all opponents.'

    I guess I never realized that "we have silenced all opponents" was their definition of "peace and safety".

    I wonder what they have in mind to accomplish that?

  • cantleave

    Cameo'd is this book on the web at all?

  • mindmelda

    It's a wonder the man stopped drinking long enough to write anything at all.

  • blondie

    So do you have the rest of the might shed more light on what he wrote? You will see that this is a reference to 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 (the peace and security cry doctrine of the WTS). This book has Babylon the Great making the cry of peace and security. Today the WTS has the world in general doing this.

    What was the real inducement that caused King Edward VIII to abdicate may be better understood in the near future. That Fascism now is gaining at an alarming rate in Britain,


    there is not the slightest doubt. Also the Fascists and Nazis are rapidly increasing in the United States. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is confident of putting to silence through its instruments everything and every activity that exposes the crookedness of the Hierarchy and makes known Jehovah God's purpose. It is nighttime, so far as most of the people are concerned; and the old "whore", while the people slumber, moves forward with greater confidence. A complete fulfillment of the prophecy draws nigh. God caused the apostle Paul to write authoritatively concerning this very time, to wit: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.

    Jehovah is now carrying on his "strange work", which serves to enlighten the people of good will and to show them the only way of escape; and only those who find that way will escape. The old "whore" sitting upon the back of the beast may soon be expected to say: 'Peace and safety; we have silenced all opponents.' Then Jehovah's "strange act" will begin, and sudden destruction comes upon her "as travail upon a woman with child". There begins the howl, described by Isaiah 23:1-14, and the end will be the destruction of Satan's religious system, by which he has hoodwinked the people


    and made merchandise of them. The old harlot's triumph will be short, and her destruction complete. — Ezekiel 27:12-34; Revelation 17:16,17.

    *** w87 5/15 p. 18 par. 11 Listening to Jehovah as the End Draws Near ***Bible prophecy does show that the nations would make a concerted effort toward peace in our time. It states: "You yourselves know quite well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. Whenever it is that they are saying: ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape." (1 Thessalonians 5:2, 3) That cry of "Peace and security!" will not mean that the decay of this world has been reversed

  • poppers

    It's a wonder the man stopped drinking long enough to write anything at all.

    It sounds liked he was drunk when he wrote that - delusional thinking straight out of a bottle.

  • ziddina

    Blondi, I'm sorry, your words have me a bit confused...

    "What was the real inducement that caused King Edward VIII to abdicate may be better understood in the near future. That Fascism now is gaining at an alarming rate in Britain,..."

    Is that a quote from the WTBTS? It's slightly separated from the rest of [what I assume is a quote???] the quote from the WTBTS...

    Thanks! Zid (aaaarrrgh! That is a looong book that's posted on your link...)

  • lepermessiah

    'Peace and safety; we have silenced all opponents.'

    I think old Joe lifted that right from "Mein Kampf"!

    Of course, the JW's had their own "Night of the Long Knives" back in 1980.

    God, the WTBS parallels Nazi Germany so close that it is scary.

  • blondie

    Actually that URL only takes you to Chapter 6 of book Enemies where pages 293-294 are. It is best to actually read around that very short sentence to see that this is a reference to 1 Thess. 3:5 regarding the Call of Peace and Security which happens just before the start of the great tribulation which is an old WTS teaching. The difference here is that Babylon the Great makes the call, the non-jw world in general as it is interpreted today by the WTS. It is not the WTS saying that their enemies are defeated but the world saying that their enemies to peace and security are defeated.

    Quote (as indicated in the URL directly to the book)

    What was the real inducement that caused King Edward VIII to abdicate may be better understood in the near future. That Fascism now is gaining at an alarming rate in Britain,


    there is not the slightest doubt. Also the Fascists and Nazis are rapidly increasing in the United States. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is confident of putting to silence through its instruments everything and every activity that exposes the crookedness of the Hierarchy and makes known Jehovah God's purpose. It is nighttime, so far as most of the people are concerned; and the old "whore", while the people slumber, moves forward with greater confidence. A complete fulfillment of the prophecy draws nigh. God caused the apostle Paul to write authoritatively concerning this very time, to wit: "But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." 1 Thessalonians 5:1-3.

    Jehovah is now carrying on his "strange work", which serves to enlighten the people of good will and to show them the only way of escape; and only those who find that way will escape. The old "whore" sitting upon the back of the beast may soon be expected to say: 'Peace and safety; we have silenced all opponents.' Then Jehovah's "strange act" will begin, and sudden destruction comes upon her "as travail upon a woman with child". There begins the howl, described by Isaiah 23:1-14, and the end will be the destruction of Satan's religious system, by which he has hoodwinked the people


    and made merchandise of them. The old harlot's triumph will be short, and her destruction complete. — Ezekiel 27:12-34; Revelation 17:16,17. (Quote end)

  • ziddina

    Urk! I see now... I didn't spot those little 'paragraph' numbers the first time... I was going to 'skim' the material, but chickened out when I saw the volumes of material I'd have to read... I'll go back and read it, again...

    Copyright 1937... That means WWII hadn't started yet but the JWs were being severely persecuted by the Nazis at this point??

    Thanks! Zid

  • blondie

    When I studied that period, zid, I found that people had been carted off to the camps starting in the early 1930's. So the WTS is accurate in their accounting of history.

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