Strange Words in an Old Book

by cameo-d 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Zid: "Copyright 1937... That means WWII hadn't started yet but the JWs were being severely persecuted by the Nazis at this point??"

    There is a satanic ritual called "Revelation of Method".

    What this means is that *They* disclose what they are going to do prior to taking the action.

    Since the verbal description of JW persecution precedes the event, one might come to the conclusion that Zions watchtower was in the know beforehand.

    I have wondered, where did the Nazi's get the names and addresses of the JWs in order to go pick them up. Did WT congregations keep detailed info on everyone back then, too?

  • ziddina

    Blondie, thanks... I'll have to look at those sites/threads in a bit... I understand, tho, that the WTBTS is not honest in that it refuses to inform JWs about Judge Rutherford's attempts to 'cozy up' to Hitler just before the persecution actually began???

    Cameo-d - as related to the above comment to Blondie - I've read a book recently that was recommended by SixScreens - written by a German JW who was privy to the inner workings of Bethel and Judge Rutherford's behavior during Nazi persecution... Paints a totally different picture; I got the impression from the book that Rutherford sort of threw the German JWs to the wolves, quite possibly just for an over-zealous martyrs' stance... If I remember the info correctly, the German JWs wanted to scale back the preaching work; take it totally underground; but Rutherford attempted to keep it as [bold, brassy, outspoken - like he was....] open and above-ground as possible, until the persecution became too severe...

    I don't think it was "30 Years a Watchtower Slave", tho that touches on the subject, too... You've probably already read the book and I'll bet Blondie knows which one I'm referring to - blasted short-term memory... Zid

  • Black Sheep
  • cameo-d

    More strange words......

    The Ancient Worthies will assist mankind to become empty vessels that they might be filled.

    This will be a great work.

    So, the great work is to make airheads of all humans?...(through hypnotics and mind control?)

    Become empty vessels....(erase emotions and desires? replace pride of accomplishment with demoralizing badgering of unworthiness?)

    Fill vessels with ..what? (train to accept controlled programming?)

  • thetrueone

    Its all just bunch of babel gloop in an effort of self empowerment to place themselves as gods true intermediary.

    Which is exactly the same thing the Mormons do and bunch of other religions.

    What better way to increase the circulation of the printed literature and make more money.

    Too bad the bible didn't particular say anything against the selling of his will and purpose.

    Rutherford talks down on to other people in his book and their selfish greeds and interests and then drives around

    in a couple of Cadillacs and builds and lives in a mansion....... right.

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