The story of Sodom and Gomorrah actually starts with Abraham.
(From the Septuagint) In Genesis 18:1 the writer tells us that God himself appeared to Abraham. In verse 2, written through the eyes of Abraham, we are told that he simply "sees three men".
According to the sight and reaction, there is nothing that would distinguish these three men as being any different from ordinary humans.
In Genesis 18:17, the All Knowing God even consults with the other two men as he seems to be unsure whether to divulge to Abraham why he is passing by in this direction and what his plans are for Sodom.
Although it has been said that Lot was spared for being a "righteous man", there is nothing that indicates this. As a matter of fact, it appears that Lot was given consideration only because of his connection to Abraham. So once again, we are shown by example, it's not what you know, it's who you know.
Does it strike you as a bit unorthodox that a Great All Powerful, All Knowing What's-Best-for-Mankind God, would be open to dickering and negotiating with humans? Was he just humoring Abraham about sparing the cities if there were 10 righteous people to be found? Does it not seem that plans had already been made for the destruction and the two other men traveled on with that intent?
Religionists have told some far fetched stories depicting a huge "god" figure in the clouds hurling meteorites toward the earth.
Some geologists have suggested an earthquake.
But if one is to consider the biblical scripture, it clearly shows a jihad mission.
In Genesis 19:13, the two men tell Lot "For we are about to destroy this place....the Lord has sent us to annhiliate it."
In Genesis 19:18-21, Lot is very indecisive as to where to go once the strangers tell him that he must get out immediately. The jihadists realize they must act very quickly because the people in the city do not trust them being there. They rush Lot, even taking him by the hand. In trying to make him realize the importance in leaving right that minute, they tell him (Genesis 19:22) "So hurry to escape there, for I will not be able to do a thing until you enter there."