At Daniel 9:2, he says “would last seventy years”. The Hebrew word that is translated as “last” is (approximately) “male”. Daniel read this word at Jer 25:12, where it is translated as “fulfilled”, and at Jer 29:10, where it is translated as “completed”. Several online translations of Jer 29:10 show that this is the sense of that word.
When the word “male” relates to time "it refers to the completion of a particular period of time” (Mounce’s “Dictionary of Old Testament and New Testament Words”, page 250).
Daniel thus understood that the “seventy years of desolation” had ended (“male”). His focus at Chapter 8 had been the status of the Sanctuary at Jerusalem. He now saw that the 70 years at the hand of Babylon had ended, because the Persians and Medes had been victorious.
Daniel thus saw that although the servitude to Babylon had ended, that the people were still being held in exile and the Lord had done nothing about restoring the beloved sanctuary at Jerusalem.
When Daniel read Jeremiah, he would also see that the condition for the Jews’ to return lay in them seeking the Lord (not the other way around) and confessing their sin.
So Daniel took it on himself to make that confessional prayer to the Lord. Not once in his prayer does he ask for the Seventy Years to end; what he did is to confess the national sin and to seek the Lord’s blessing on the temple at Jerusalem.
Since this was not a national confession of sin, Angel Gabriel says that while the rebuilding will take place, a further period of servitude was being placed on the nation during which they were to put an end to sin and to legalise the sanctuary. The 70 years of servitude to Babylon would be extended to 70 heptads in probationary servitude to the Lord.