what to do on xmas day when your all alone?

by highdose 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    ..or if you aren't into socializing much, you could pick up a few good books or dvds...funny movies like Home Alone etc...cook up some great munchies and a cup of tea..a glass of wine..............or spend the time focusing on what the new year will bring you, writing down your year end thougts........

    ..or see if the local animal shelter needs a few volunteers that day .....

    ......put on some Christmas music and play some online games..watch a little telly..


  • Jim_TX

    Boy! It's rough when you're alone - and they blare out the holiday tunes... "...I'll be home for Christmas..." etc. It just seems to make a lonely holiday even lonlier (is that a word?).

    Years ago - when I was alone on Christmas - or other holiday... I would gather up a book - or my personal notes notebook - and head on over to the nearest 24hr coffee shop/restaurant.

    It seems that on Christmas day - there is always at least ONE coffee shop open. It helps to be out among people. Then sit at the counter - and drink coffee (free refills) ... or tea. Stay for hours. You can keep the one or two unlucky waitresses that got stuck working on that day - company.

    Or - like others have said - volunteer.

    Just do something that gets you out and among people. Otherwise - it just gets to a point where you are very lonely and feeling sorry for yourself.


    Jim TX

  • EmptyInside

    Or even just go out to see a movie. One that's light-hearted and fun, and you'll be around a lot of people. Or better yet, invite some friends who may be able to go along.

  • RR

    Vegetate in front of the tube and watch movies all day, that's what I do

  • LucyA

    Hire my fav movies . buy all my favoritesweet foods buy some prawns (for garlic prawns) and sit on the couch all day.

  • blondie

    If in the US, check with United Way to see what volunteer opportunities.

    Children's hospitals

    Church programs

    Invite a lonely neighbor

    Many good ideas so far on this

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