Welcome! This board is fantastic therapy and I find myself spending hours here reading peoples stories when I should be doing laundry or something else traditionally constructive. Enjoy it here and I look forward to learning more about you.
Newbie greets all
by LeeT 29 Replies latest jw experiences
Another welcome from me, and from nugget.
Oh yeah! They are a controlled (not happy) people!
Welcome to the board!
No, I was never baptised. I have 2 older sisters (biological ones). They both moved out before me and were never forced into attending meetings.
I realise that my mother and stepfather sincerely believe they have the truth. Their critical thinking on issues seemed to shut down decades ago. I'm pretty sure that anythig dischordant they find in WT publications will be supressed in their minds and glossed over. Sad to say, but to be honest, at their age, were they to find themselves disfellowshipped or disassociate themselves, I think they'd be dead before they got to rebuild their lives and establish a new set of friends. Perhaps they're too far gone. I stopped pushing it too hard with them 10 years ago.
Welcome LeeT. Yes, children are often smarter than the witnesses give them credit for. It's the older folks who can think of all the reasons for believing other than whether a belief is factual and/or truthful. Witnesses use a lot of emotional blackmail to nail you to a belief. I like the way you have made a stand against religious nonsense - and at such a young age!
Welcome, LeeT.
I was born-in. It was always sad to see families join the religion with kids in tow. You were too old to be indoctrinated from birth. You dodge a bullet personally.
Welcome! That's good you like to keep in the news and updates of what is going on in the WTS. So great you were able to see through the machanisms of the WTS at so young. I was raised in it and hooked for a while but later with children to raise in it, I started my independent thinking and re-evaluation.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Open mind
Welcome aboard LeeT.
I look forward to the occasional post from you.