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by LeeT 29 Replies latest jw experiences
From the start (aged 12) my biggest stumbling block with belief was that the witnesses were rejecting evolution and telling me the designer is always more complex than the design. They also told me that the universe was too complicated to have arisen 'by accident' so it must have a designer (Jehovah). It confused me that the simpler creation was too complex to arise without a designer but Jehovah who was necessarily more complex than the universe needed no designer himself.
Whenever I tried to get an answer to this I was met with evasion or told I was being difficult. I've still never had a good answer.
You'll never see the article:- "Young People Ask - Who designed Jehovah"
From the start (aged 12) my biggest stumbling block with belief was that the witnesses were rejecting evolution and telling me the designer is always more complex than the design.
Yes, this gets to the heart of the matter - and the fact that you had thought this through at a relatively young age is a testimony to the capacity for clear-headed thinking - free from emotive religious twaddle - in one so young. I too wondered how it was that "creation" was viewed by religionists as needing a creator when it was supposedly less complex than the creator - yet religionists say the creator didn't need a creator. They get around this contradiction by asserting the creator has always existed - which soothes them but simply adds to the logical bafflement.
welcome friend
Welcome LeeT!
You sound like you have a similar situation to mine, although my Mom has been gone now for over 7 years. My parents decided to become baptized well after their children had grown up and moved out. Luckily we weren't dragged to the KH as my Dad, at the time, was not into religion at all. It was after he retired that he joined got sucked into the void. It is a difficult thing to have a mixed JW/non-JW family. None of my parents children nor their grand-children have joined. Thanks to the internet, and people like Ray Franz, they never will.
LEE T- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you. I look forward to your posts and insights. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Welcome! Good to have you here.
Welcome! :)