It's 2010 - 96 Years since 1914 - Once Again WT Society's Failed Predictions

by flipper 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    Dates are not important to the R&F because Armageddon is ALWAYS just around the corner. 1914, 1975, 1984, 1994, changes in the generation, I let all these things go. I reasoned, I'm not in this for date, but because I love Jehovah. It took me until this year (2009) to realise I was being duped. In the past, when I had doubts, I put them to the back of my mind. To stop them surfacing I immersed myself in tas much heocratic activity as I could for a married man with a young family.

    Earlier this year I saw a level a nepotism and cover up by our COBE which shocked me so much that the doubts surfaced once again. At the same time, whilst preparing the memorial talk a realisation came over me that I didn't have a relationship with god or his son, but with a man made organisation. That's when I started thinking for myself, questioning, researching, waking up.

    So its wasn't just the dates, the failed promises that made me come to my senses, it was a combination of so many things.

    Sadly I know many good people who have put dates and doubts to the back of their minds, buried them deeply. 1914 has no meaning to them anymore (even though a few of them use it as a PIN number). They fall hook line and sinker for the arguments like "think of all the people who have come into the organisation since 1914 - all those lives that have been saved". So , like I used to, they robotically go about thier "live saving" work, never questioning whether there is more effective way of saving lives, other than placing literature with apathetic householder on Saturday morning.

    Hopefully some will be woken up by a date, maybe 2014 (unless larsinger is right about 2012 -Ha Ha), but I think the majority of my friends will be on their deathbeds and still believe they will wake up in the new system, because it is "just around the corner".

    Sorry for the ramble.

  • moshe

    One Hundred years is OLD! 1914 will be one hundred years old in 2014. 1914 will soon be a really old WT date- just like ancient history stuff. Any way you slice it, it will have a negative psychological affect on many JW's.

  • flipper

    MARVIN SHILMER- Yeah, I agree Marvin. I too think the WT society is sweating bullets about their failed dates and predictions. And so they are getting more controlling and coercive towards manipulating witnesses to tow the line. Because they know if they don't keep their feet on these people's throats intensity wise - people will start figuring things out and see the scam being pulled. The GB has to keep the witnesses so occupied that they won't have time to think and use their minds.

    MICKEY MOUSE- Yeah, any day now. Yes, I agree the witnesses ARE banana's !

    CANTLEAVE- I agree with you. I think lots of witnesses put the doubts in the back of their minds and don't ponder on dates at all. Like Steve Hassan mentions in his books , it's only when people start experiencing injustices by the cult that they start waking up to see the scam. Something you obviously did when you saw the body of elders covering something up. Your authentic, non-cult mind was offended and your good sense in your authentic personality made you act on the injustices you saw. I know what you mean when you said you felt you had a relationship " with an organization " not God or Jesus. I felt the same way growing up as a witness as my elder father never asked me if my relationship with Jehovah was good. He'd just ask " How are you reaching out in the congregation ? How are you progressing ? " Everything was about appearance, status, and position. One reason I never reached out for elder and just stayed a Ministerial Servant.

    It is sad that many of the people we knew will probably go on living the illusion and continue being duped by the false expectations promoted by the WT society. But that is their loss and their decision to not use their " authentic " minds they were born with and continue using their " cult controlled " minds they received from the WT society. Hopefully some of our former witness friends will wake up before they waste their ENTIRE lives on this ridiculousness. All we can do is hope.

    MOSHE- Good point you make. I agree that the further the time goes on it is going to have a H- U- G- E psychological impact on all Jehovah's Witnesses . As it is right now they are already losing MANY of their young people aged 10 to 30 yrs. old. It's been shown that 2 out of 3 witnesses raised in the cult get out by the time they reach adulthood. So with all the middle aged and older witnesses dying off in the next 10 to 30 years, I don't think the prospects look very good for the WT society

  • garyneal

    Well, personally, I predict that the society will drop their 1914 teaching but will do so quietly and gradually as to not 'stumble' the brothers and sisters in the congregations. So we are looking at about 10 or 20 years before 1914 is completely eliminated in the minds of the witnesses of that day. Kind of like how 1975 is all but completely forgotten now.

    Sad thing is some people, like my wife, want so badly to be in this organization that presenting real facts concerning this date does absolutely nothing for them. For whatever reasons, family, sense of belonging, sense of stability, etc., they want to cling on to this religion in spite of it obvious flaws and hope the Jehovah will bless them anyhow. I view my wife like someone who is in a coma, all I can do for her now is make her comfortable as I have tried everything I could to awaken her. She wants to continue to remain comotose.

  • flipper

    GARY- I think it would be difficult for the WT society to phase out or drop the 1914 date. The reason being is that is the year they claim Jesus Christ took invisible kingly power to rule in heaven sitting on the alleged throne . Also it is a watermark foundation for their teaching on when the alleged " last days " or " time of the end " started due to the prophecies in Matthew, Mark, and Luke talking about wars, pestilences, famines, lawlessness, earthquakes , and all the other alleged crap they say would be " signs " of the end. So if they ditch all that and make 1914 of no significance I think they'd start losing more members than they planned.

    I agree with you that the " stability factor " must come into play for people like your wife or other witnesses who are too scared to leave the witness organization. One of the many tools that mind control cults use like Jehovah's Witnesses is " fear " and " guilt " to keep the members locked and loaded under control. It's scary as hell. Hang in there with your wife and just keep showing her what REAL love is all about in contrast to the " cult conditional pretend love " she receives at the kingdom hall. I feel for ya bro. Keep the good work up

  • OnTheWayOut

    Hey there.

    I was just one of the blind followers that was baffled by their bullshit. They told me an explanation for their past from their rewritten history and I bought it. They said they were predicting the year 1914 was major and that they just over-expected something, but they were right all along.

    Basically, I believed whatever the dangerous mind-control cult told me. I slowly peeled back the layers of deceit and knew better later.

    I have met many ex-JW's that still have some residual feelings that WTS is right about something. They need to do some homework. I would always always always expect WTS to be lying about anything now until I knew better. Ray Franz' two books should be mandatory reading for anyone connected to JW's somehow.

  • DrJohnStMark

    I would expect the Society may first fade out 607 (that year is dangerous), but they still need to keep 1914 since their self-proclaimed authority in many ways rests on it (incl 1918 etc) and, after all, something did happen in 1914. They might leave the rank&file jws in the impression that the 607-1914 calculation (to be mentioned in footnotes only) perhaps had been just over-enthusiastic... but 'predicting' 1914 was 'food in time' but with a bit too much spice in it.

    Another point of view: As well known here, Russell taught that the 6000 yrs of evil ended around 1874 and that even some technological advancements of the time were related to that. With the same logic: During the last 100 yrs our life has got so much better that perhaps it is due to Christ's reign since 1914...

  • flipper

    OTWO- Yeah, I here what you are saying. I too for many years, probably until the late 1980's really believed the BS about a generation that was alive in 1914 would still be alive to see Armageddon. But by the 1990's as they came and went- I knew something was fishy in Denmark. I really started suspecting the WT society was NOT shooting straight with me and everybody else. It really starts becoming more and more obvious. I agree : All ex-witnesses should really read both of Ray Franz's books as well as Steve Hassan's books on mind control. It helps people to move on. I know it did me.

    DRJOHN ST. MARK- I agree with you. The WT society hit that 1914 date so hard in all of their predictions they could never back away from it now at the risk of losing ALL credibility ( what little they have left ) I think scientific advances have produced the good effects we've felt in our lives - not Jesus rule at all. ( I know you were joking . ) LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The reason 1914 is such an important date to the JW mythology is because ALL of their authority hangs on events that "took place" that year and in the years immediately following, up to 1918. If 1914 goes, then they have to admit that they are NOBODIES with NO AUTHORITY to "rule" the earth, that they NEVER WERE "selected" as the "faithful and discreet slave."

    I do wish the WTB&TS published stock tips, with their MAGNIFICENT record, they would be an EXCELLENT inverse indicator.

    A few years back, though, I actually made some money - not a fortune, but enough for LOTS of pizzas - by buying some stock in the WATCHTOWER's Unmanned Aerial Vehicle engine company, Rand-Cam technology.

    I cashed out when I made some money and have't looked back.

    some info about Rand-cam Technology:

  • thetrueone

    The WTS has done well in commercializing Christianity, creating themselves a lot of wealth and power in the process.

    How they went about doing this is not the true ideology of faith in itself. Presenting themselves in a very disingenuous way,

    was directly responsible for people to get lured onto the organization, essentially they created a life or death situation into

    the peoples minds that they approached and preached to. Offering imminent death or everlasting life is the policy they present.

    To people who had not really studied the bible and who were somewhat god believers they were easy to persuade to come into the fold

    under this premise. The year of 1914 is nothing but a plausible joke stirred up by among other things pyramidolegy, most JWS

    to this day do not know this, neither do they know of the actual year of the destruction of ancient Jerusalem.

    The profound ignorance of the WTS starting as far back as Russell is alarming and was mostly put out to help in the circulation

    of his magazines and books. He was obviously quite aware of his religious freedom and liberties that was availed to him and he

    certainly did put them to good practical use.

    A wonder if he was this crooked with his clothing business ?

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