I Have a New Method for Dealing With Ridiculous Assumptions

by AllTimeJeff 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine



  • What-A-Coincidence

    dude...u need to relax. it's just forum. take a vacation or sumtin. in the end nobody gives a rats behind. seriously

  • thetrueone

    Jeff - its because some people open the door to illogical reasoning when they should have closed it,

    in turn they open irrational probabilities and try created a solid argument based on them.

    Its very difficult to try and rationalize with a closed mind with a padlock on it.

    When it comes to mythology consider it the mother load of ridiculous assumptions

  • AllTimeJeff

    What, me take myself or this forum too seriously? Never!

    We'll have to see how long this moment of sanity lasts.....

  • palmtree67

    Even tho you feel you are debating with a lost cause.....I have gained alot from your responses, even the responses to the wack-jobs on here.

    Have a good Christmas trip, ATJ!!

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    dude...u need to relax. it's just forum. take a vacation or sumtin. in the end nobody gives a rats behind. seriously


    Judge Dread

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I guess it's ok ATF if that is how you want to deal with it but I prefer to have people admit that I'm right and they are wrong.

  • JeffT

    So this married couple is having one of those fights that drags on for days. Finally he says "look we need to stop this. I'll say I'm wrong if you will say I'm right." She thinks for a minute and says "OK." He takes a deep breath and says "Honey, I was wrong." She smiles and says "You're right."

  • What-A-Coincidence

    there is therapy or meds ... i blame chem-trails myself. you drink fluoridated water?

  • StoneWall
    by using calculations involving scriptures found in Ezekial, Daniel, and Revelation,

    I really didn't get much out of the rest of it after this part.

    After seeing that Ezekiel was misspelled my mind kept thinking its so unlike AllTimeJeff to not check his spelling.

    Just ribbing you Jeff. Keep fighting the fine fight

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