Do Atheists Celebrate Christmas?

by believingxjw 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Isn't this hypocritical? If I say I don't believe in God why not declare it openly and refuse to join in a celebration I don't really believe in? If I join in, how then do I have a right to criticize others who do what they believe is right for them?

    You're assuming a definition of Christmas that does not hold. That's your first hint.

  • believingxjw


    You take the road that for you feels good, though you don't believe.

    Christians take the road that for them feels good and they believe.

    Are you so very different from them?

  • leavingwt

    I'll give you an easier target, if you're into the Bible: Halloween.

    I love celebrating Halloween. Guess what? I don't believe in demons or ghosts or Satan, either.

    Wrap your head around that one, will ya?

    PS: I celebrated holidays BEFORE becoming a JW at age 10. So, I'm just returning to the traditions of my forefathers. I think you're reading too much into the whole thing. Perhaps getting a little too much exercise by jumping to conclusions. Certainly, you're not persuading anyone here, that the celebration of traditional holidays by non-believers is somehow 'wrong' or 'delusional' or 'hypocritical'. Free your mind. Think for yourself. It's difficult, but enjoyable.

  • leavingwt
    You take the road that for you feels good, though you don't believe.
    Christians take the road that for them feels good and they believe.
    Are you so very different from them?

    Hey, I actually agree with you. Remember, I'm on the side of Liberty.

    I'm all for people doing what they want to do. (As long as it's non-violent, and involves adults, etc.)

    I have no beef with Christians, Muslims or Jews celebrating holidays for whatever reasons they see fit. I'm overjoyed to live in a country in which I can celebrate in the manner that I see fit.

    I'll be having Christmas lunch tomorrow with believers. I will not be airing my views or trying to convince them of my way of thinking. This would be rude, inappropriate.

  • believingxjw


    "I celebrated holidays BEFORE becoming a JW at age 10. "

    So did I.

    "Certainly, you're not persuading anyone here, that the celebration of traditional holidays by non-believers is somehow 'wrong' or 'delusional' or 'hypocritical'. "

    That was not my intention.

    "Free your mind. Think for yourself. It's difficult, but enjoyable."

    Thanks for the advice. That is exactly what I'm doing.

  • leavingwt

    I'm sorry if I sounded a little harsh. I think you asked a legitimate question. I hope you've found some of the answers that will assist you.

  • PEC

    How can I celebrate the birth of someone that never existed?


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't know if I believe in God anymore or not ,but I will be enjoying Christmas this year by giving gifts to my loved ones and friends . I will be baking cookies for workmates ,donating toys to the needy and warmly greeting my customers with "Merry Christmas ". I will soak up a Choral concert at the local church during a candlelight service tonight . I will also admire the Christmas decor I have spread through my house .

    Traditions ,family togetherness ,love for others ...that is the meaning Christmas has for me and I embrace it .

    Why do you assume everyone here denounces Witnesses for what they choose to believe ? I really don't care what they believe long as they just allow me to do what I believe without interference .....WHICH unfortunately is something impossible for them to do some how .

  • believingxjw


    I'm well aware of the Christmas draw. I had Jewish friends who celebrated the holiday but they did not throw stones at Christians. What I find hard to understand is why someone who is critical of Christianity would nonetheless join in a festival they do not believe in.

    Yes, I don't like saying it but it does fit, it is hypocritical to loudly declare we don't believe Jesus is the Son of God or that his Father himself exists but then turn around and celebrate his birth just because it feels good. How can such a person call the GB hypocritical?

    We say hard things here, hard things that we believe need to be said. That's all I'm doing.

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    What I find hard to understand is why someone who is critical of Christianity would nonetheless join in a festival they do not believe in.

    What I find hard to understand is why you keep repeating that false assertion after it's been pointed out to you.

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