Pioneer Removal

by IMHO 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • HappyGuy


    Let me see if I understand this. Because some dirty minded, small minded, busy bodies chose to "gossip" because you were seen doing the Lord's work with a male, you were not allowed to officially sign up to do the Lord's work? I'm guessing the gossip was that you must have been having sex if you were seen together in public?

    Sooooooooooo, it is okay to make up lies about people and spread malicious gossip, but it is not okay to be diligent in doing the Lord's work unless you make sure that you are never in the presence of a male who is not a blood relative? Hmm, that sounds like Islam to me.

  • cantleave

    Freddo - yes it was

  • chickpea

    a "sister" (26) who had been reg pioneering
    for 7 years got engaged to a newly
    baptized, younger "brother" (19)
    was threatened counseled that if she
    persisted with the engagement/marriage
    she would be deleted as a pioneer...

    she quit, married the guy, and they have 3 kids...
    still goes to the KH.... most of her family is "in"

  • Slayerbard

    HAHAHA we had Harris.. I rememeber he was having his last day at the other congregations who's Hall we shared, we had him the previous week. He was leaving and out congregation was going in. and a sister from my congregation SHOVES through almost knocked me in my butt just to shake his hand and say goodbye making a fuss over him. TO me it looked like he OBVIOUSLY wanted to go home and was annoyed with hold up.

    We did have an elder removed once no idea why (I suspect messing with the children..) he finally get appointed. Then he doesn't last a month. It seemed like the week after they annonced he was an elder they were saying he was removed. LOL got to love it..So much for appointed by Holy Spirit..

  • cantleave

    It seemed like the week after they annonced he was an elder they were saying he was removed. LOL got to love it..So much for appointed by Holy Spirit..

    Of course the congregation would say it was the HS in action, keeping the congregationb clean. Such a shame it does act that quickley the rest of the time.

    Bill Harris actually liked me and considered me a Friend. It is a shame someone with his abilities can not see through the lies. But then it took me over 4 decades.

  • Slayerbard

    Don't feel bad Cantleave it took me most of my life after being raise in it.. I find it funny how after I really started to "TRY" and study harder that I realize how full of crap they are.

  • IMHO

    Any more 'experiences'?

  • TweetieBird

    There was an elder in my old hall, gave the public talk and a week later told his wife and daughter that he had been having an affair. Got df'd a couple of weeks later, divorced his wife and I haven't seen him since. Last I heard, he was living with his mistress. Who knows, maybe he posts on here.

  • Slayerbard

    Yeah I know of anther elder from another hall who was an elder since I could remember daughter my age. and then told his wife he was leaving her and he had a mistress for YEARS. My father said he was glad cause he said never never liked how "overly friendly" he was with me when I was little. He said it just didn't feel right to him. LOVLY...

  • FreeAtLast1914

    They threatened to remove me back in the day, but never went through with it. The requirement was 90hrs, I generally could only get 70-75. That was a huge no-no. I ended up leaving the area before they had to "take action."

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