Calling all Americans!!!

by LucyA 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LucyA

    Why are Americans so paranoid about the Government?

    Please understand I’m in no way trying to be disrespectful to your country I’m just trying to understand why their seams to be an outcry every time someone mentions the government legislating over something Eg Healthcare. Although I don’t TRUST our pollies I would never withdraw my support without at least reading the legislation first.

    Their’s a difference between supporting a principle and hiding behind one!

    You elected them a lot of people don’t get that chance!

  • restrangled

    Lucy, this just my personal opinion. Others can object, ignore, or agree. In the previous 8 years before Obama,...we had a president who was very influenced by the religious right.....He felt god was backing him. He was questionably elected the second time. Between himself and his devil of a vice president...they created murder, overseas and in our own country.....ignoring problems here, and profiting from their investments in war.

    The American public eventually woke up and were so angry, they elected Obama. I was one of them. I am still waiting for something better, I believe Obama is trying hard and not a weasel like Bush or Cheney. But, our Congress/Senate is bought and sold by special interests.....

    Such as the Pharmaceutical Industries, Cigarette producers, The Beef, chicken and Pork industries, Oil, natural gas, coal, and most of all the insurance industries.

    Its absolute rape of the the American public and it needs to stop. All these companies promise major funds to congress members if they vote their way....

    Those funds are for re-election, and as far as I can tell that's all our congress cares about....Major dollars to advertise their re-election.

    The entire system is absolute poison....the average American is never represented


  • Elsewhere

    Several hundred years ago we all got on boats and sailed across the Atlantic ocean to get away from oppressive governments.

    It's kindof in our blood.

  • ColdRedRain

    Didn't two World Wars, the Crimean war, Nazi Germany and the various anti-self defense European nanny states teach you anything?

    I swear to God, all the dumb people stayed in Europe and Asia and all the smart people came here.

  • journey-on

    Good question. There is no simple answer. I read a book years ago called "The Soul of China". It got me thinking about America's soul and what exactly it is. I can tell you that our Constitution is almost considered a holy writ and we hold the values contained therein as sancrosanct and our Founding Fathers as inspired visionaries. They warned against an overly powerful concentration of governmental authority and we instinctively understand the dangers inherent in overly powerful positions of authority.

    Americans take the words, "we the people" pretty seriously and consider government to be "by the people, for the people, and of the people". Politicians don't dictate to us and when they serve their own special interests over the interests of "we the people", our b*llsh*t detectors (we all have one if we were born and raised here) go off loud and strong. Our BS detectors are sounding off all over this country right now over the healthcare reform debacle and the "pork for vote" distribution, and I'll bet dollars to a donut that the majority of incumbents will be voted out next year and again in 2012.

    Also, Americans like....I mean, really LIKE...paying their own way and managing their own affairs. It goes against our cultural grain to allow government authorities to control too much of our lives.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Several hundred years ago we all got on boats and sailed across the Atlantic ocean to get away from oppressive governments.
    It's kindof in our blood.

    Very good point.

    And people, in general, are gullible. The national news tends to be very biased. Carl Rove undersands how gullible people are, that's how Bush got elected twice. That's also why a lot of people are freaking out over the health care reform. It sad.

  • leavingwt
  • Farkel

    Our Founding Fathers, with all their bright, shiny faces and idealism and first-hand experience with a tyrannical government, mutually shared a nagging distrust of what might happen to the Government they were about to create. They put in every check and balance possible, severely limited the power of Federalism, set up a bicameral Congress, gave common people a huge amount of power to control government power, made sure the citizens were easily armed, and warned them to be ever vigilant.

    Thomas Jefferson himself stated it was inevitable that we should have a revolution and overthrow government tyranny every 50 to 75 years because he knew human nature too.

    It's been 230 years since our last revolution, and of course, Jefferson was right. But instead of taking our Government back, too many people are sitting on their asses, whining, going broke through government confiscation, losing their right to defend themselves and not even voting.

    Most high school graduates can not only not even name the 3 main branches of government, they cannot tell you what they do. Far too many of them believe Liberty is a privilege and not a right. This is precisely how our government wants them to think. Because of this, we need to take back our schools, too and teach our young Civics again.


  • leavingwt
    Far too many of them believe Liberty is a privilege and not a right.

  • besty
    I swear to God, all the dumb people stayed in Europe and Asia and all the smart people came here.

    just trying to work out what this reveals....

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