A loving friend giving counsel? So, what happens if one of them is doing something that is totally amoral? Many things are amoral--growing a beard, wearing clothing that looks best or suits the weather instead of what you are supposed to, matters that are in the bedroom, and the like. Others, such as not doing field circus or attending boasting sessions when the cost of doing so exceeds the benefit, are simply common sense.
Now, what happens if a person hounds someone to death for that? They are hounded to do more field circus when the cost of doing more exceeds the benefits. They are supposed to dress according to the rules (I have even seen "guidelines" for Beth Hell dress, along with "suggestions" that people dress that way for regular boasting sessions). Or, they get harassed to throw away perfectly good music and videos. I would not call this "true friends".
A true friend might give advice, such as helping someone succeed when they are trying to learn. One might, for instance, offer helpful hints to start a business, or suggestions on what [soon to be illegal] vitamins to take to mitigate or prevent a medical condition. And, they might help out when there is a problem--but, once they start creating problems where none existed, and imposing "suggestions" with hounding and enforcement to ensure that it is obeyed (such as the "loose conduct" and "double honor" rules), it ceases to be useful and starts to be intrusive.
There is only one thing I would recommend hounding anyone about. If a person is making a practice of initiating the use of force, threats of force, or fraud against another person or their property, this practice will have to stop. This goes as much for fake "pandemics" and "energy crises" as it does for fake Armageddon threats. And, if anyone makes a practice of telling others that they need to be "saved" (along with self-serving "guidance" to that end), chances are good that they are initiating fraud. Usually, they aren't even aware of it--thus, they will probably need some help to get into the real truth--while minding their own businesses.