*** w90 4/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***For example, the lecture "Millions Now Living May Never Die," first delivered in 1918 and published in booklet form in 1920, told of Christendom’s failure and of the approaching end of this world.
*** w90 12/15 p. 13 par. 11 "Let Anyone Hearing Say: ‘Come!’" ***Even back in 1918, the bride class began preaching a message that particularly involved those who might live on the earth. It was the public talk entitled "Millions Now Living May Never Die."
*** w55 4/15 pp. 236-237 Part 8—International Attempt to Destroy Society Fails ***Courageously carrying forward their work against mounting odds, the band of valiant ones on March 15, 1918, released a new, newspaper-size, two-page tract, KingdomNews No. 1, headed "Religious Intolerance—Pastor Russell’s Followers Persecuted Because They Tell the People the Truth—Treatment of Bible Students Smacks of the ‘Dark Ages.’" Millions of this tract were distributed, exposing the clergy-inspired persecution of these zealous preachers in Germany, Canada and the United States. This tract furthermore advertised the historic lecture to be delivered March 24, 1918, at the Brooklyn Academy of Music by the Society’s president, entitled "The World Has Ended—Millions Now Living May Never Die!" Three thousand heard this important lecture. For 1918 a report shows there were 7,000 engaged in placing bound books from door to door, besides uncounted others who were distributing tracts and handbills and giving personal verbal witness. In April further clergy-inspired attempts to intimidate these preachers of the Kingdom message occurred. On April 15, 1918, however, KingdomNews No. 2 appeared, being distributed by the millions of copies, with bold headlines: "TheFinishedMystery and Why Suppressed—Clergymen Take a Hand." The facts of suppression in Canada and the United States up to April 15 were laid bare to the public, exposing the clergy’s efforts to destroy the Society’s activity. In connection with such distribution a petition was circulated, addressed to United States President Wilson: