Should Jehovah Witnesses have Cats?
by RAS 19 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks, RAS, this is really funny and well written!
"scriptures clearly indicate. surely loyal Christians...." LMAO, that is soo the Governing Body lol!!!
Cats are not sheeplike
lol, true dat
If such a thing were ever mooted, it would really be a test ..
One C/O many years back said from the platform that people were too devoted to their pets, that dogs belonged in the yard , and how gross it was that people even kiss their animals!
We nearly had a rebellion... all the kitty loving sisters were up in arms and complaining about his comments. Some said they gave the cat a special kiss just to show how they loved it..
I doubt that even the Borg could get away with an article such as the one you have parodied, at least around here..
I like a little pussy every now and then..
Yes Cats are and have always been the guardians of the underworld, do not stumble, your brothers and sisters by having pets that Jehovah does not approve of in this time of the end, knowing as you do that Satan is like a lion seeking to devour someone. There have been reports of brothers and sisters saving their feline feces in their respective homes among flower arrangements seeking to contact their dead relatives through this means, and their by incur demonic harassment. Without fail if you become aware of a brother or sister who has taken some false step in this regard, make your local body of elders aware of this that they may pray over the erring one and use the Society’s approved and blessed clumping feline litter, keep in mind you must not touch the unclean thing.
The curse of the Kitty
Shredded sofa
dead birds in the yard
New Light?
In my 8 years on the forum I must have seen this thread a dozen times.
Your parody comes across as a straw man. I thought it was real. I live in an area with a large Muslim population and some schools of Islam forbid keeping dogs in the house so what with Jehovah's Witnesses being so extreme about some things what you wrote made me think it was really a Watchtower publication. You Got Me!