I desperately need a refrigerator moved into a second floor apartment................\
le sigh
by John Doe 40 Replies latest jw friends
I desperately need a refrigerator moved into a second floor apartment................\
le sigh
I hear they don't have a penis though so I wonder how do they, like, survive and stuff.
They may not have one--but they sure as heck need one!
Hey JD, will you lend me your penis? I promise to be gentle with it.
I've been given to understand that the word gender - a grammatical term - is employed in a purely euphemistic sense by prudish individuals wishing to skirt all reference to the perfectly acceptable (and more correct) word: sxx.
The boat was manned by women.
Compound Complex and Sure of My Identity
CoCo, I think I love you! Penis and all
CoCo has a penis??? I must have missed that post.
We got off the Titanic first.
We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.
When we buy a vibrator it is glamorous. When men buy a blow up doll it's pathetic.
Men's clothes make women look elfin and gorgeous. Men look like complete idiots in women's clothes.
We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.
We've never lusted after a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.
Taxi's stop for us.
Men die earlier, so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.
We know the Truth about whether or not size matters.
If we're not making enough money we can blame it on the glass ceiling.
It's possible to live our whole lives without ever taking a group shower.
No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival the male's Speedo.
We don't have to fart to amuse ourselves.
We never have to wonder if his orgasm was real.
If we forget to shave, no one has to know.
We can congratulate our teammate without ever grabbing her ass.
If we have a zit, we know how to conceal it.
We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there.
We don't have to memorize Caddyshack or Fletch to fit in.
We have the ability to dress ourselves.
Our friends won't think we're weird if we ask whether there's spinach in our teeth.
We know that there are times when chocolate really can solve all of your problems.
Gay waiters don't make us uncomfortable.
We'll never regret piercing our ears.
We can fully assess a person just by looking at their shoes.
We can talk to people of the opposite sex without having to picture them naked.
heaving babies does not equal superior farkel ... u must be a, o nevermind.,
Hey JD, will you lend me your penis? I promise to be gentle with it.
You looking to work out a time share arrangement?
I've been given to understand that the word gender - a grammatical term - is employed in a purely euphemistic sense by prudish individuals wishing to skirt all reference to the perfectly acceptable (and more correct) word: sxx.
You have been ill advised. At one time, I'm sure you would have been correct. However, words transform in meaning as time progresses. For instance, did you know that toilet was originally a euphamism? However, it has now taken on the meaning of what it was originally a euphamism for.
In the instant case, "sex" would not be more correct for the simple reason being that it has more than one common meaning. If I were to ask which sex is better, the discussion would stray off topic into positions and techniques. No one, however, will mistake "gender" for meaning anything other than whether you have dangly bits or not. I may be a lot of things, but "prudish" is definately not one of them.