Mrs. Jones! I resent those sexist comments!!!
Which gender is superior?
by John Doe 40 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
I was being ironical, Mr. Doe, not disputatious, drawing upon the mores and stilted behaviors of an earlier era fixated on stuffy affectation ...
My own crippling prudishness should have been evident by my personal inability to spell out sxx, here or in any of my posts.
So there, John! It's not my nature to put down real people, such as yourself.
I apologize sincerely for causing you anguish sufficient to lambaste moi.
CoCo Deflated
John Doe
Ah, got ya. I was just being argumentative. I'm built that way.
compound complex
Well, you've got me researching, John ...
Now I'm onto Gender Identity from wikipedia. I'm obviously too focused on grammar and need to get my mind onto sxx more.
Thanks - I think!
But news in from China:
At the Wanxiang Tiancheng Centre in Shijiazhuang, is laying out women only carpark featuring extra wide spaces, to be painted in bright colours with cartoon caractors with extra lighting and security.
The design is prompted by insurance figures that show female drivers tend to cause twice as many collisions in parking lots than in other places.
John Doe
lol! No comment. Snicker snicker.
I forgot to say I was quoting from the Brisbane 'Courier Mail' newspaper 30 December 2009
Before assuming men are superior, take a look at the world. How many of the leaders that have promoted tyranny among the whole human race are men? Take a look at Plato, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Osama Obama, Carter, Osama Bin Laden (not the president, the other Osama), and all the other world leaders that started totalitarian systems. How many women do you see among this group?
normally one hanging on their arm, sucking up all the glory that comes their way, if & when the shit hits the fan she can say "but, I had nothing to do with it".