I already said farewell in my apology post to Julie. But many of you may not have read it since it was specific to her.
I was planning a long farewell statement because I have a number of things I want to share, but decided I would do that in private if anyone wishes. You can reach me at [email protected].
I chose to leave for a number of reasons, and some stated on my last post. But the majority of you are very good people, and I do appreciate you all, and will miss you.
AmazingEx: Thank you so much dear for your kind remarks and coming to provide supporting views and your valueable opinion. You made some great comments, and good reasoning. I love you for that.
LaDonna: Thanks so much for a very fair and balanced review of my "Preface" post. You saw my intent, and stated exactly what I was thinking and feeling.
Simon: Great board, keepo up the good work.
Englishman: Keep the pub in good shape, and have a beer on me.
All the rest: So many of you I care about and love your material, that I feel bad not taking time to mention each one of you. Please don't feel bad if I have not mentiuoned you. So again, feel free to email me, as I would love to hear from you. Kent, JanH, AlanF, Maximus (now gone from the board), MadApostate, GinnyToskin, LaDonna, and so many others ... you are great people.
My Condescension: To some, I came across as condescending. yes, I know about that weakness. Those who know me personally know that this is not my way, not in my heart of hearts. Some phrases I use work well in the teaching environment. My past and current career involve continued teaching and training of other professionals. Unfortunately, some of the phrases I use in that setting, and some left over JW-speak do not work well in other contexts, such as this forum. I apologize to those who took offense, and hope you all understand that I am a much different person.
So much more to say: I have so many things I would love to address, but I have learned after years on these forums that simplicity and brevity are best. And I am already making this too long.
I hope to hear from some of you in email, and feel free to write anytime. I will miss so many of you. I have learned from many, as a result, I have grown in good ways that I can never repay you. I hope that many of you will feel I gave something worthwhile back in return - You will always be in my thoughts. Thanks. - Amazing