WTS is great at rebooting old doctrines and rewriting their own history. They need the members to feel that Armageddon is imminent, so I have a proposal for the GB members reading this forum.
When the end failed to come in 1975, WTS offered their explanation that Eve was created some time after Adam, and that some time passed before she and Adam sinned. It must have been more time than they originally calculated.
My mother is still a die-hard believer in the 1975 excuse. She actually believes the end is coming based on 6000 years of God's Rest Day passing after Eve was created. The 6th creative day must have ended before her sin, so that God could proclaim- It was good.
The Bible directly states that Adam was 130 when Seth was born, and that the whole sin and being thrown out of Eden and the birth and raising of Cain and Abel happened before the birth of Seth. Assuming Cain was born nine months after Adam sinned (the earliest possible time to have an imperfect baby born of sin), and assuming he was just a teenager when he murdered his brother- we arrive at about 110 to 115 years from Adam's creation to the maximum time period before the 6th creative day must have ended. (Do I sound like Fred Franz?)
NOW- add that to 1975, and we arrive at 2090. You see why they don't need to abandon this yet. That's right- the teaching that the Millenium rule would start in the beginning of the last 1000 years of a 7000 year "day" of Rest was never abandoned.
I remember how the members were led to believe that the 1914 generation had to be "adults" then later changed that to "an age of reasoning" which meant 9 or 10 years old, then finally the WTS just let the members believe that anyone born by 1914 was of that "generation." They could do the same thing now and revive the old Fred Franz stuff about 1975, the 6000 years, and the whole shebang. They could start the members to believing that Adam probably lived about 30 to 35 years before Eve was created, so the end must be imminent by now, 35 years after the anniversary of 6000 years of creation. They can insist that the math is sound and "from Jehovah" showing the GB how close we are to the end. Then they can hammer the imminent end for quite a few more decades.
This would go well with their "Overlap Theory" of the Anointed that they tried out at their annual meeting- that the lives of anointed of the 1914 generation would overlap the lives of the anointed on the last day.