The WTS has with an adjustment in what a creative day created 2 groups of jws, newer jws who will say that a creative day is a general number of thousand years and older jws who lived through the 1966-1975 plus years when it was defined as 7,000 years.
***Close to Jehovah book (cl) chap. 5 p. 56 par. 20 Creative Power—"The Maker of Heaven and Earth" ***Has Jehovah stopped exercising his creative power? Well, the Bible does say that when Jehovah finished his creative work on the sixth creative day, "he proceeded to rest on the seventh day from all his work that he had made." (Genesis 2:2) The apostle Paul indicated that this seventh "day" is thousands of years long, for it was still ongoing in his day. (Hebrews 4:3-6)
*** w96 4/1 p. 13 par. 10 Praise the King of Eternity! ***Wonderful developments took place on earth during the six creative "days" of Genesis chapter 1, each day covering thousands of years.
*** w94 9/1 p. 6 Science, Religion, and the Search for Truth ***The Bible does not say that each creative "day" was 24 hours long; indeed, it includes all these ‘days’ in the much longer "day that Jehovah God made earth and heaven," showing that not all Biblical ‘days’ contained just 24 hours. (Genesis 2:4) Some could have been many thousands of years in length.
*** w93 1/1 p. 4 Our Grand Creator and His Works ***In an orderly sequence of six ‘creative days,’ each thousands of years in length, "God’s active force" proceeded to prepare earth for man’s habitation.
*** si p. 279 par. 8 Study Number 2—Time and the Holy Scriptures ***In the Genesis account, the creative day is an even longer period of time—millenniums. (Gen. 2:2, 3; Ex. 20:11)
*** w89 8/1 p. 27 par. 16 Paradise Prospects Valid Despite Human Disobedience ***A dazzling vision of God’s purpose accomplished, the preparations for which he had made by six creative days of work over thousands of years of time!
7,000 years
*** w87 1/1 p. 30 Questions From Readers ***Because the number 49 occurs in both cases, it might seem that the Jubilee would foreshadow the time following the end of a creative week of 49,000 years.
Second, a study of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy and of our location in the stream of time strongly indicate that each of the creative days (Genesis, chapter 1) is 7,000 years long. It is understood that Christ’s reign of a thousand years will bring to a close God’s 7,000-year ‘rest day,’ the last ‘day’ of the creative week. (Revelation 20:6; Genesis 2:2, 3) Based on this reasoning, the entire creative week would be 49,000 years long.
*** w80 11/15 p. 19 par. 9 Humanity’s State of Health That Might Have Been ***They know that they are living in the seventh day of the creative week of Jehovah God, during which he has been resting from direct creative works respecting our earth. (Gen. 1:1 through 2:4) World events as well as Bible chronology indicate that we are now rapidly nearing the time for the thousand-year-long reign of Jesus Christ to start. His reign of a thousand years for the blessing of all mankind will occupy the last thousand years of Jehovah’s rest day or Sabbath day of seven thousand years. Christ’s reign will be a Sabbath day of exquisite delight for all mankind.
*** w76 7/15 p. 436 par. 17 Keeping a Balanced View of Time ***There are reasons why we cannot know this. For one thing, even though Bible chronology clearly indicates that we have reached the mark of six thousand years since the time of the creation of the first human, Adam, it does not tell us just how long after that event the sixth creative day came to its close and the seventh creative period or "day," God’s great rest day, began. Genesis chapter two, verse three, says that Jehovah blessed and made sacred that "day," and it therefore seems reasonable that it will see within its bounds the removal of the wicked old order and the establishment of God’s righteous new order by means of the thousand-year reign of God’s Son. Thus there is reason for believing that that thousand-year period will form the closing part of that great rest day and will restore the earth and its inhabitants to a perfect state. That would enable God to say of that seventh day and its results—as he did of other creative days—that "it was good."—Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31.