I agree with void and I might add, I believe that everything we need to heal the planet and ourselves is all within us as individuals and always has been. Once we realize that individually, we start to heal ourselves, our immediate surroundings, all the way out to the planet and beyond.....wf
Any Buddhists here?
by John Doe 83 Replies latest jw friends
John Doe
The planet needs "healing?"
I respect the focus on personal responsibility rather than evangelism.
paul from cleveland
I believe that most trouble man makes for himself through an over-active mind.
That makes sense but how do you turn your brain off? Mine just keeps going in over-drive.
Meditation, paul. As you're thinking, ask yourself who is having those thoughts, and then, spend 5 or 10 minutes trying to percieve who. It's sort of like stepping back away from the thoughts, or looking back to see WHO. It's not a direct suppressing of thought. When the thoughts don't get attention, because the attention is turned elswhere, the thoughts simply dissapate, like a butterfly fart.
John Doe
voideater, you Buddhist?
John Doe
Satanus, butterflies don't fart.
Prove it. Bet, you think that girls don't fart, either. Actually, that gives me an idea. Paul, you're thoughts will dissapate, like a girlfart.
John Doe