More evidence that WTS is hurting for $$$ - change to special pioneer mileage reimbursement

by sir82 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • isaacaustin

    basically the sp pio is now being reimbursed only for their gasoline, not the associated wear and tear resulting in need oil changes, break work, etc.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Aren't the real questions:

    1.) what court case did the WBTS lose?

    2.) what legislature are they trying to head off?

    3.) which government are they trying to snow?

  • SirNose586
    Aren't the real questions:
    1.) what court case did the WBTS lose?
    2.) what legislature are they trying to head off?
    3.) which government are they trying to snow?

    I'll keep an eye out for the answers to those questions. In the meantime, the explanation could simply be that they want to thin the ranks of the SPs.

  • sherah

    Another thought - Maybe there is another wave of Bethel layoffs and this new "arrangement" will offset new sp pios that will be added to the field.

  • bobld

    As I mentioned before....look at all the new scams they are coming up with.KHAA.COAA,pledges for KH construction when they already have donation boxes for a kingdom hall fund,the list goes on and on.They also have the D.C. HOTEL SCAMS.


  • sspo

    And if special pioneers have any problems with it, it would mean they lacked faith, not fully trusting their Father Jehovah in

    providing for all of their needs.

    It's as simple as that!!!

  • dissed


    Just think, if you could keep the SP status while living on the beach in Mexico. $600 a month could get a person a lot of beer, tequila, and fish tacos.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Better still: get rid of special pioneers altogether. What is the point of them?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    The WTS is hurting for money?

    Have you seen how many people are on food stamps and unemployment?

    How many people have lost most of their retirement money?

    Open your eyes, and quit being myopically focused on the WTS.

    There are REAL people hurting that are victims of the government and their controllers...........THE BANKS.

    Judge Dread

  • JustHuman14

    Money is running out fast I guess in WT...But only 13,000 miles for a pioneer??? I guess they should follow Mormons example. At least they are inviromental friendly using bicycles...

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