This reimbursement is for sp pioneers only? Not reg pios? A sp pio must put in 130 hrs a month? Every month?
For special pioneers only. Regular pioneers get doodly-squat.
130 hours / month for males, 120 / month for females. There may be some downward adjustments for persons with advanced age or chronic illness, AND who have a "long history" of sucking up theocratic service, AND who remain in "good standing".
Special Pioneers report their monthly hours directly to the Society. If they don't make their time, (1) they have to say why, and (2) if the reason isn't "good enough", their reimbursement is reduced. For example, if a sister gets only 90 of her 120 hours, her reimbursement for that month is 90 / 120 * 600 = $450.00.
Special Pioneers do get "vacation days" which can reduce their hour requirement for the month taken. If they take a week off, for instance, they need only get 75% of their time for that month. Illness is also considered an "acceptable" excuse for missing your time, as well as taking care of elderly parents or other family members (IF they have no one else to take care of them).
And the time goal must be hit every month. You can't "bank" your hours like a regular pioneer can, getting lots of extra time early in the service year and then coasting through the last few months.