wow seems they update the book quite often
1909 Hymns of the Millennial Dawn 110 pages
1915 Hymns of the Millennial Dawn 120 pages, without music
1916 Angelophone Hymns 100 pages, available in hardcover and paperback
1916 Hymns of the Millennial Dawn 120 pages without music
1916 Hymns of the Millennial Dawn 336 pages with music
1925 Kingdom Hymns 64 pages
1928 Songs of Praise to Jehovah 304 pages, with music
1928 Songs of Praise to Jehovah 144 pages, without music
1944 Kingdom Service Song Book 64 pages songbook, 1944
1948 Kingdom Service Song Book 64 pages, reissue
1950 Songs to Jehovah's Praise 96 pages songbook
1962 Songs to Jehovah's Praise 96 pages, reissue
1966 Singing and Accompanying Yourselves with Music in Your Hearts 128 pages, available in both paperback and leatherette
1984 Sing Praises to Jehovah 225 pages, available in both pocket and full-size editions [sb]
1992 Sing Praises to Jehovah 225 pages, large print, lyrics only
Now a 2009 version