Is it the worse thing that could happen outside of a scandal? Sure, because it publicizes the scandals, et al.
One of the ironic things that the GB tries to do is to appear reasonable in all of their hyper controlling rules. In all of the articles that demonize the internet, WT and Awake, they almost always start out with the fact that kids who get on the internet get taken by predators, that marriages are regularly broken up by meeting random strangers in chat rooms, that most of the information available is false or at least shouldn't be accepted at face value. (oh and critics of the WTBTS are on and they are so powerful being under the control of Satan that it could destroy your faith)
Basically, there is nothing good on the internet ever. They try to make it seem that they are looking out for you, but as we all know, they are looking out for themselves.
There's another thread here on the GB that I want to comment on about what the GB knows, etc. This is what makes it so insidioius. They realize that much of what on the internet is true.
It is a loose confederation of people who probably have little in common other then their past, but that demonstrates how powerful the bond is, and the desire to expose what the GB wants to hide.