Jesus's remark of trun the other cheek was in direct contrast with the whole OT "eye for an eye", Jesus understood that violence begets violence and that forgiveness is A LOT harder than retaliation.
He knew that love for one's enemy is what wins "wars", ex: Ghandi and MLK Jr.
He was a pacifist and it takes a lot more cojones to be a pacifist when one can kick ass than it takes to actually kick ass.
The first step in any healing process is forgiveness and Jesus knew that ALL of us have much to answer for so we should be the last to judge others or seek retribution on others.
As for Paul, he words were his sword and the fact is, he turned the other cheek many times, he was left for dead more than once and I don't recall him every trying to take "anyone with him" when he was going down.
Look at the example of Stephen in Acts.