AMEN!! VoidEater
Agnostics/Atheists, To Whom Do They Give Thanks?
by african GB Member 28 Replies latest jw friends
They are thankful to be educated and able to think for themselves.
Open mind
I give thanks to the triune godhead...
oops, make that a quadhead,
Can't forget Dennett!
Nathan Natas
I thank Kal-El, the son of Krypton.
african GB Member
I thank GOD for all your insightful contributions.
Bhudists thank Bhudda
I'm pretty sure Buddhists are in the same boat as atheists
when it comes to lack of a personal superhero to feel thankful
towards.I was under the impression meaning is found in simply offering
thanks into the endless velvet night.(or in person, when possible)
"Thank ya', Ma'am, Sir..."
Recently I had some cancer removed skillfully from my body. I said, "Thank you. I really appreciate all you've done for me."
Later, while relating my story to a relative, of how great my nurses, doctors, etc. had treated me, they interrupted me with: "...and know...thank God, too!? Huh...?"
I said, "No. Why? What did "He" do? (uncomfortable sigh and laugh, then pregnant pause..."
* * *
If "He" exists...what's "He" done lately for... Haiti ???????????????
I thank whoever cooked the meal and Darwin for those opposable thumbs that allow me to eat in civilised company.
Original Poster, I'd thank God if you changed your freaky avatar.