NEW GENERATION DEFINED -- April 15, 2010 Watchtower

by Ultimate Reality 385 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ThomasCovenant

    Thanks to

    Watchtower 1988 October 15 p.4 The Sign—Are You Heeding It?

    Might it be, though, that the sign could occur over the span of many human generations? No. The sign is to occur during one particular generation. The same generation that witnessed the beginning of the sign will also witness its climax

    There is, however, the danger of becoming impatient. Seventy-four years have passed since the outbreak of World War I in 1914. From a human viewpoint, this may seem a very long time. But some eagle-eyed Christians who saw World War I are still very much alive. Their generation has not passed away.

  • moshe

    Mad Sweeny, do you think you could nominate that WT study to be the official, "rattle the GB's chain day", for us? It would help, if you could arrange 3 or 4 friends to attend the meeting and then after you get up and leave, the friends get up one at a time and announce they've had it too- anyone else coming? I see that this generation change must be a knee-jerk reaction to some sort of grumbling by JW's - the GB would just ignore the generation problem, if the JW's just let it die- I suspect they must be having a lot of JW's asking questions, writing letters, calling Bethel, etc. This generation change is the "take it or leave" study- you don't like it, then leave and let's get on with the job of shunning your butt. - Thanks TC, I will use that WT quote- I'm fixing a a rattle the old elders chain, Postcard right now. I quit the KH in the spring of 1988- and the generation's thing was part of the reason why I quit.

  • shopaholic

    I am sitting here with my mouth wide open When someone posted this a few weeks ago as being mentioned at the annual meeting, I really thought it was a joke or a rumor. Will people actually believe this? I am really hoping that people will see through this completely illogical "advanced light".

    If you were raised in the org and is now between 25 and 50, there is NO way you should believe this attempt to fix failed prophecies. Ha...just stop and look around. One of these things is not like others...but in a bad way.

    MadSweeny, that would be the ultimate comment if you actually did it.

    Really interested in how family and friends will react to this new info.

  • tjlibre

    Agonus, you said: Folks, I've come to a conclusion. The WT is doing this intentionally. Even THEY can't be this colossally stupid. They're testing the loyalty of the R&F. Expect more "sifting" to come as the insanity escalates. This is Endgame.

    I thought about this all day yesterday after reading about the “generation” change. I asked my self…Why? What are they trying to do? And my friend…I’m afraid that you might be right. Think about it, perhaps there is the possibility that the WT/GB is trying to strive on chaos. It could be an attempt to push the “conscious class” out and self-induce a drop in the R&F’s “theocratic activity”, then say that the “drop” provides further support that the “End is near”, because the bible predicted that “Jehovah’s judgment will start in His house”. That many JWs were not humble enough to follow the direction of the FDS, that they were “serving Jehovah” with the wrong motives…I can almost hear them saying “remember folks, Jesus said that the road to “everlasting life is narrow and not many will enter the Kingdom of God”, therefore, we should not be dishearten by the number of JW leaving God’s Organization, after all by their action they are showing that their hearts were not truly in the Truth... Jehovah wants quality not quantity”. They’ll nurture the WT’s loyalists that blindly continues supporting the GB, get a fresh set of New JWs and continue business as usual.

    These are just some of the things that’s making it clear that this is a deliberate attempt to drive out those who are using their brains:

    1) The constant call for submission and obedience to the GB.

    2) The increasing # of partakers

    3) The bold lies and misinformation in the publications, “Millions Now Living Might Never Die…” etc.

    4) Asking for contribution by charging Credit & Debit cards at the conventions.

    5) The April 2010 “generation” change without a decent or intellectually drafted explanation..

    This and much more. Oh well, they are just making things a lot easier for some.

  • tjlibre

    Agonus, you said: Folks, I've come to a conclusion. The WT is doing this intentionally. Even THEY can't be this colossally stupid. They're testing the loyalty of the R&F. Expect more "sifting" to come as the insanity escalates. This is Endgame.

    I thought about this all day yesterday after reading about the “generation” change. I asked my self…Why? What are they trying to do? And my friend…I’m afraid that you might be right. Think about it, perhaps there is the possibility that the WT/GB is trying to strive on chaos. It could be an attempt to push the “conscious class” out and self-induce a drop in the R&F’s “theocratic activity”, then say that the “drop” provides further support that the “End is near”, because the bible predicted that “Jehovah’s judgment will start in His house”. That many JWs were not humble enough to follow the direction of the FDS, that they were “serving Jehovah” with the wrong motives…I can almost hear them saying “remember folks, Jesus said that the road to “everlasting life is narrow and not many will enter the Kingdom of God”, therefore, we should not be dishearten by the number of JW leaving God’s Organization, after all by their action they are showing that their hearts were not truly in the Truth... Jehovah wants quality not quantity”. They’ll nurture the WT’s loyalists that blindly continues supporting the GB, get a fresh set of New JWs and continue business as usual.

    These are just some of the things that’s making it clear that this is a deliberate attempt to drive out those who are using their brains:

    1) The constant call for submission and obedience to the GB.

    2) The increasing # of partakers

    3) The bold lies and misinformation in the publications, “Millions Now Living Might Never Die…” etc.

    4) Asking for contribution by charging Credit & Debit cards at the conventions.

    5) The April 2010 “generation” change without a decent or intellectually drafted explanation..

    This and much more. Oh well, they are just making things a lot easier for some.

  • bohm

    TJ, Agonus: I think you raise a very valid point. My toughts when i first read about the rumours of the change a couple of weeks ago was that many people here was more gullible than i thought and that kind of hopefull and naive talking would just drive away lurkers. I almost started a thread on that very subject...

    Indeed, it would be interesting if a new ray franz would tell exactly what happends at the meetings in brooklyn. Its like they dont even TRY anymore.

  • Emma

    I would like to have been a fly on the wall when the GB took the vote on this one!

  • bluesapphire

    Mad Sweeney, I have never DA'd. Just stopped going 10 years ago. Wouldn't it be funny if I went back and everybody was all happy and love bombed me and then suddenly at this meeting I did the same as you? What if we all did it? OMG! It would be so worth it!!!

  • Michelle365

    OMG! I would love to be at a meeting when someone did/said that. Mad Sweeney if you do, you NEED to record it! I've recently been da'd by the congregation, so I doubt I could get called on. lol.

  • undertheradar

    I am a little puzzled. Is what has been stated in the 2010 Watchtower adding anything to the February 15th 2008 article?

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