I'mmmmmmmmmm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!How you all doing?.........Their is major discontent among the JWS becasue of this rediculous new light about the expanded 1914 generation,,,,,,!I know many people,now leaving this cult,because they just can't take it anymore.They/JWS are all burned out with the preaching work too,and CONSTANTLY runing to endless meetings,listening to the same old drum beat.God help them.And now this,,,,,,,,,confusing expanded 1914 generation??????????......The GB knows they are loosing members big time,because at this late date,,,,,,,,,they have told so many lies,that their are none left to tell,,,,,,,,hehehe!!!!!!!!!............Oh what a tangled web we weave,when we practice to deceive..................!Now what big boys????????Waite until they have to drop 1914,,,,,,,,,,their goes everyone ok!Just think about it,,,,in 3 and 1/2 years from now,,,,,,,it will be 2014,,,,,the 100th year centenial dates birthday 1914 celibration,hum?????????,,,,,,that is when it will smack most of them in the face,as they think,,,,,,,,,,,,,waite a minute,,,,,,it's been 100 years since the ..........."Creators Promise/Jehovahs Prophetic Words ,,,,,,,,,,have failed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.........Glad i've been gone for over 20 years now.As the old fools die off,from the bottom to the top,their will be massive doubts pulling them all out of the hall.Thank you Lord!Amen!