I brought this up with my wife the other night and boy did she get hot and defensive.
First off, she said that the information cannot be true because a) it came from the INTERNET and b) the April 15th WT is not yet published.
She railed against me for participating too much with APOSTATES and said that I should be minding my own business and attending to the affairs of my religion. In other words, stay out of her religion and quit trying to learn so much about them since I want nothing to do with them.
Again she asked me how is my bringing this up to her 'upbuilding?'
I just simply said that I wanted her to think and asked how she thought of the change. Her response is, "Why should it matter?"
She said that I was trying to get her to LEAVE JEHOVAH and I said, "No, I never said that." She asked what I would do if I found out my church was teaching something that was not true and I said, "I'd leave if necessary. My relationship with God has nothing to do with what church I attend." Then I told her how I had actually been through this before when I left the Independent Fundamental Baptist church years ago because I felt like they were teaching beyond the Bible.
She said, "If I was going to another church, you would not be doing what you are doing." I said, "Not true. If you started attending a Unification Church, I would be just as concerned. If you decided to be a Morman, I would be concerned, or a Christadelphian." "Never heard of the Christadelphians," she said. "And yet they agree with the witnesses on so many things," I continued.
"What do you know about the Mormons?" she asked.
- They believe they are the only true religion.
- They don't believe in reading the Bible alone but along with the book of Mormons.
- They were founded by Joseph Smith.
"Who's Joseph Smith?" she asked.
"The mormon equivalent of Charles Taze Russell. The mormons believe him to be a prophet and think he did more for them than even Jesus Christ. Joseph Smith was told by an angel that all other religions apostatized and that his religion alone was the one true religion."
"Charles Taze Russell never considered himself a prophet," she countered.
"Charles Taze Russell considered himself THE ONLY faithful and discreet slave and you can read that in the old copies of Zion's Watch Tower. There was also a degree of 'creature worship' from the Bible Students directed to Russell."
The conversation went on and one about WT new light. She said that she thinks Russell was indeed the first FDS, etc.. She so badly wants to believe that this religion is the truth and yet the evidence clearly says otherwise. It must be getting to her. But unfortunately she continues to shut her mind off because she does not want to have to admit that something could be wrong. As one document I read stated, her brain is fighting for its life.