Hello all, I had some questions regarding the booklet 'Should you believe in the trinity?' I should mention that I'm a catholic and my brother is a JW baptised some 15-20 years ago. Since he found 'the truth' he had been quite vocal regarding the manyu, many false teachings of the catholic church. Although I disagreed with his position, I must admit that I found his conviction strong. My question is has any JWs actually ever researched this booklet to see if the claims are accurate? Are there any JWs familiar with the writings of the church fathers [Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Tertullian, Hippolytus, Origen, or Ignatius of Antioch? My brother has admitted that he has only studied watchtower books regarding their beliefs. There are complete writings from all of these men, has anyone ever read any of their works?
Should I believe in the Trinity?!
by TTWSYF 49 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome to the board TTWSYF. I was a life long Jehovah's Witness, and it is only after I began researching the information in that booklet from other sources that I realized it was false. I am now Catholic.
Thanks Burn, Wow, a lifelong JW becoming a catholic. How does that happen? I hope your family understood, but I realize that is probably not the case. I appreciate the welcome...did you know that this was my first post ever?
Thanks Burn, Wow, a lifelong JW becoming a catholic. How does that happen? I hope your family understood, but I realize that is probably not the case. I appreciate the welcome...did you know that this was my first post ever?
Well, it's a great first post. And, by the way, I am far from unique.
Dominus Vobiscum,
I have done an article on the topic at http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/trinity.php
The Trinity brochure is certainly one of the worst Watchtower publications when it comes to presenting false information and misquoting sources.
Where's Stephen at or Perry? Although I can't remember if Perry believes in the Trinity, I know Stephen does though. A thread with Trinity in the title, he's usually here faster than Reggie Bush.
If it makes you happy to believe in the Trinity, you just go ahead and believe it.
It makes no sense to me. But I'm not walking in your shoes.
It does no harm to believe in the Trinity or not to believe- the problems with JW's and their religion have to do with their isolationism, lack of charity, mistreatment and shunning of ex-members, death from refused medical treatments, avoidance and ridicule of higher education- in short they are just social parasites and generally all around jerks. Catholics have great charities and are known for their generosity towards the needy and love of family. What can JW's feel proud about?
Hi Yesidid. Thanks for your input. You didn't answer the question though, [about research]. And although I'm not walking in your shoes either, if we believe a lie, then our faith is in vain, isn't it?
Thanks to JWfacts. Wow, you did your homework looking at your extensive work.
I'm sorry.
I was almost sure I read "Should I believe in the Trinity".
Oh well! Wrong again.