Here is the deal with the money: Hosting costs are just one thing that the forum owners have to deal with. You might think $60 is enough--it is $60 per month, or $720 a year (not including problems they have with double billing because of trying to dump a bad host). You have to add to this the cost of electricity, Internet access, and yes the computer itself. It costs money to buy computers--a decent computer costs more than $600 (and, I understand they have had one computer conk out on them). That is part of the cost of running a forum--you can only go to the library so long when you are the forum owner, and most employers do not allow that much computer time off work before they get suspicious that work that is work is not getting done.
To add to all these extra expenses, I would like to see anyone that is whining about the "fraud(??)" try setting up your own forum. Just see how long it takes to iron out technical issues. They have spent many all-nighters trying to get to the bottom of technical problems so they do not become regular issues. They do not want their forum going down every time someone tries to log on, and that is a lot of work. This involves having to dig through possibly millions of lines of code to find the problems, and hours of dealing with hosts that are dogging their job of keeping them up and running. They have other things to do with their time--and it is not unfair if they are making a small profit from donations and ad clicks.
As for their money, it is extremely tight for them. They have six children to raise, and a limited income. That is why some of the bills are not getting paid on time--and why they need ongoing help. As for the hosting, if they get this month's $60 paid off only to lose their home or Internet connection because they fall too far behind on those things, they might not have enough to even have the means to get next month's hosting bill paid (even if they had the money). It would be one thing if they were very rich and had all the time in the world to play around with computer programs and deal with hosts that are the real ripoffs. But, they are struggling financially and have 6 children to watch, and I definitely think they should be commended, not bashed, for their fine effort in getting a fine site up and running.
Which will, I am sure, be more appreciated if anything happens to Simon and he is forced to close this site down for real or if the witlesses start suing this board to close it down. The more of these sites that are up and running, and active, the harder a time the witlesses are going to have to shut all of them down. Also, the greater the chances that a potential study is going to land on one of them while researching, and learn the real truth about the "truth(??)".