
by yadda yadda 2 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • HappyDad

    Keep doing what you do Chalam. I'm in full agreement with you. The "scriptures" are a guideline for a happy life.

    What you said is also how my life is going the past ten years since leaving the JW's. "I have had more LIFE in the last few years with faith in Jesus"................

    Old HappyDad here has experienced the workings of Holy Spirit and wouldn't want it any other way. Life is great with Jesus in it.


  • GromitSK

    I find them somewhat irritating at times because a) they appear to be everywhere and are often unsolicited and b) I have no time for the Bible or organised religion of any form, it is easy enough to ignore them though I do think they make Chalam look like he is suffering from some compulsion to post them - this doesn't surprise me given his background. I am certain he and the above posters are sincere. Either way the same old arguments about how good the Bible is are no more convincing to me for their repetition but I wouldn't try to stop anyone repeating them if it makes them feel better. I would just ask Chalam to consider others who do not share his view of the "good book".

    People can believe whatever they like but I do sometimes feel like I am having it rammed down my throat again when it is on threads that don't really call for it. Perhaps we can find some other book to repeatedly quote on the forums as well? My vote would be Bhagavad Gita or Lord of the Rings.

  • Chalam

    HappyDad, what's in a name?! Welcome home :)

    Gromit, thanks for your post. It is my posts or just bible quotes that appear "unsolicited" that causes irritation?

    If it is just posts then I want to state for the record, I welcome all posts in this thread, including ones with quotes from Bhagavad Gita or Lord of the Rings :) I certainly wouldn't want any unsolicited posts ;)

    Of course, being an open forum has its pros and cons. Freedom of speech is to be valued, but of course, that means we aren't going to agree with everything we hear or read.

    I am afraid that Jesus is an offence to many.

    1 Peter 2:6-8 (English Standard Version)

    6 For it stands in Scripture:

    "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone,
    a cornerstone chosen and precious,
    and whoever believes in him will not be put to shame."

    7 So the honor is for you who believe, but for those who do not believe,

    "The stone that the builders rejected
    has become the cornerstone,"

    8 and

    "A stone of stumbling,
    and a rock of offense."



  • frankiespeakin


    I find your post more comical than annoying. As I think belief in a great big sky daddy who gets his panties in a twist over what humans believe as just a mind control trick that deceives the gullible into further indoctrination.

    Help your self my friend it that's what floats your boat.

  • BabaYaga

    I'm just jumpin' on the "Love Chalam" train. Keep it up... do what you need to do to express yourself and your thoughts.

    Baba loves ya.

    editor's note: For what it's worth, I do not believe the Bible is anywhere NEAR the infallible word of (G)od. But I do find Chalam's posts full of love and wisdom, no matter what book he quotes.

  • Chalam

    Thanks for the posts again, love to all :)

    editor's note: For what it's worth, I do not believe the Bible is anywhere NEAR the infallible word of (G)od. But I do find Chalam's posts full of love and wisdom, no matter what book he quotes.

    Baba, I pray you make the correlation :) Really, I had no love or wisdom only a few years ago, B.C. so to speak. I am not there but I am on the way!

    Check this short video out, Patricia is awesome, I am always happy to listen to her. I think it will explain the living and active part of the bible very well.

    How To Study your Bible



  • cantleave

    Chalam - your use of supporting scriptures shows your love and belief in the Bible and that will help doubting JW's who themselves have a similar respect for the book. I appreciate your input on this site, even if I am coming from a different angle.

  • cofty

    Stephen, in my, admittedly brief, experience you use bible quotes to avoid actually having to discuss things in a meaningful way.

    You wont defend the morality of eternal conscious punishment for example, but you will quote random unconnected texts on the topic all day and ignore the hard work of others like relight2 who went to great lengths to put them in context for you.

    I don't mind bible quoting, there are some inspiring thoughts in there, but when its used as a substitute for actual discussion its tiresome.

  • GromitSK

    Hi Chalam

    Thanks for your polite response. I think it is both but its my problem to be honest.

  • Chalam

    Hi cofty,

    OK here goes, no quotes!

    You wont defend the morality of eternal conscious punishment for example

    OK, "I bite", as they say ;)

    Who is moral? Who is without sin? They get to say about what the punishment is.

    There is only one man who is without sin, and He has told us about morality and how it work. He is not sadistic or evil but He is holy and He is just.

    Love demands justice and justices does not allow lawlessness (sin) to perpetuate, that is injustice and the will of the kingdom of anarchy and darkness.

    It is not His will that anyone get punished but someone has to pay the penalty. If you are fined by the court then you have to pay the $$$. As it is, someone has paid our fine, we just have to accept the gift. It takes faith, you won't see the cash $$$ until the final transaction is complete. However, you will get a guarantee of your payment before hand, it is not a leap of blind faith, you get a receipt.

    but you will quote random unconnected texts on the topic all day and ignore the hard work of others like relight2 who went to great lengths to put them in context for you.

    I don't mind bible quoting, there are some inspiring thoughts in there, but when its used as a substitute for actual discussion its tiresome.

    I always try and post relevant scriptures. I saw enough of JWs bringing up irrelevant scriptures in discussion so I can understand how that would be tiresome! Maybe the issue is you just haven't found the scriptures are relevant yet?



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