Mr. Bloom explains Global Warming.

by Nathan Natas 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • hamilcarr

    Isn't it remarkable that the ten hottest years on record (since 1880) were all between 1998 and 2009?

  • villabolo

    hamillcarr: "Isn't it remarkable that the ten hottest years on record (since 1880) were all between 1998 and 2009?"

    And that December 2009 with all the blizzards in portions of the US, Europe and China had cold temps only in about 10% of the planet's surface while the other 90% had warmer temps? That's why Global Warming (a simplistic term) has to be thought of as Climate Change. An increase in the Temperature can set off a chain reaction of wonky, helter skelter weather.


  • villabolo

    So Nathan where are you!! Don't care to respond to Peter Sinclairs rebuttal to Mr. Parliament Scam-Scam-Scam?


    PS: Hope you don't have your helmet put on backwards.

  • villabolo

    Besty was right folks. Whenever deniers are given a response that requires thinking, they can't respond to it, and quit on their own threads. This thread is a good example. The person who started the thread gave two posts. The opening one with a video about the subject and a second one joking/boasting about wearing a bullet resistant helmet ready to accept the "fallout". A video was given in direct response to his opening one and there has been complete, thunderous silence from him ever since (5 hours at this point).

    It is understandable why Besty and Kudra decided to quit posting on this issue. There is no meaningful exchange of ideas. There is no critical reasoning.

    Americans for the most part don't know how to converse, debate or exchange ideas. And that is why this nation will collapse.


  • B-Rock

    I don't respond to videos. And villabolo lies:

    And that December 2009 with all the blizzards in portions of the US, Europe and China had cold temps only in about 10% of the planet's surface while the other 90% had warmer temps?

    Right there. See that? A lie. NASA MODIS November 2009. December was even colder.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hmmm... let's see...

    Villabolo thinks I should be on JWN 24/7 and should respond immediately to any counter argument.

    Well, I'm sorry, but I too have a life.

    Bekbks feels that because the video was featured on Beitbart's site, that means the position taken by Godfrey Bloom, member of the european Parliament, is thereby rendered moot. How does THAT work?

    Well, here's the link on YouTube. Happy now?

    Evidence keeps coming forward that the "science" supporting global/cooling...err..warming...err...climate change has been corrupted by politics.

    I believe the climate change proponents are the "flat earthers" of our time.

    Now, will Villabolo respond immediately, or does he too have a life? Time will tell...

  • villabolo

    NATHAN!!! I see you came out of your fallout shelter after only 5 hours! I hope you don't mind if I take at least 10 hours to reply-I'm not as quick and nimble on the net as you are!


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Yeah, I know, but I make allowances for those with special needs.

  • beksbks
    Bekbks feels that because the video was featured on Beitbart's site, that means the position taken by Godfrey Bloom, member of the european Parliament, is thereby rendered moot.

    Actually, I think it means that a site/man with an obvious agenda will likely only consider information which supports that agenda.

  • Farkel


    I appreciate this thread and all, but I have to bundle up in my parka and down mittens right now and suffer the perma frost and get ready for the global warming which I know must happen before "this generation passes away."

    Sorry I can't stay to chat, but I'm freaking cold right now!


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