You have already been given the facts and the links which disprove the false statements that the earth is getting colder just because parts of the US, 1.5% of the globes surface, as well as Siberia and China were colder. However, they are not the whole earth.
Most of the earth was warmer on average (Second warmest year on record, since 1880). North Canada was 10-18 deegrees fahrenheit warmer. The Arctic was basically spilling it's guts into the southern areas while staying warm most of the time.
The whole Southern Hemisphere, in summer mode (summers can be colder than usual) was very hot, 110 degrees fahrenheit in Melbourne Australia and 92 at night (a hundred year record breaker); Africa on both sides of the equator, warmer; South America warmer except for a small part of the southern tip which was cooler.
Those interested can verify most of this an many other issue in an easy to understand video line called Global Climate Denial Crock of The Week on You Tube. They currently have 26 videos debating the subject which are concise and simple to understand. On this BS issue of Frozen Hell in 10% of the Earth somehow disproving the fact that this was the second warmest year since 1880, I recommend the video "It's So Cold, There Can't Be Global Warming". There are two videos with similar titles for the years 2008-2009 and 2009-2010. This one is the most recent one 2009-2010, running time 8:54.
Since there is no point in trying to reason with deniers-we all know who they are-those who are really interested could take their time, at leisure, to thoroughly investigate one video's issue and start a thread on it. Whenever deniers repeat their statements, which have been repeatedly answered without any acknowledgment on their part (a form of mild spamming and trollish behavior if you come to think about it) thread after thread, do not even bother addressing them by name. Simply take the (pseudo)issue that they brought up and have a link referring to a previous answer or external link ready and address the general audience saying: "This point was brought up in . . ./Please refer to . . .."
There is no need to and it is highly recommended not to try to even reason with those who have already shown themselves impervious to reason and simply repeat the same thing over and over again. We will simply burn out if we try that approach.
We might also want to develop a pattern and try one video/thread every two weeks or so and not let the deniers taunt us into responding to their threads. At least the very low quality ones that are simply provocateurism. By respond I meant one more than two or three lines. Go ahead and give a link response instructing the general audience to go here or there or perhaps your link for an answer.
Just bickering with provocateurs is a bad habit that I am guilty of every bit as much as everyone else. We do well to focus on issues and divorce ourselves from toxic relationships.