Will someone answer these questions?

by Danni 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • forgetmenot

    Howdy, Danni! First of all, I posted on your last post that introduced you, please read it, I think it will help. You are also asking wonderful questions but explaining them are a little complicated.
    Example: Jehovah's Witnesses believe in a total non-smoking policy. Very good policy, but it isn't really justified in the bible. If you want more questions answered ask to look at the "Reasoning from the Scriptures Book". If someone doesn't give it to you, go to the library in the Kingdom Hall, it's a little brown book. The reasoning on smoking can be found on page 109. Here it is right from the book:

    Why do Jehovah’s Witnesses view tobacco smoking as such a serious offense?
    It shows disrespect for the gift of life
    Acts 17:24, 25: “The God that made the world and all the things in it . . . gives to all persons life and breath and all things.”
    “The evidence that cigarettes shorten life is overwhelming; the causal connection is as firmly established as any in medicine.”—Science 80, September/October, p. 42.
    Reports show that in the United States the annual death toll from smoking has been tabulated as being 300,000; in Britain, 50,000; in Canada, 50,000. “More than one million people die annually because of smoking-related disease and the Third World, which accounts for 52% of world tobacco consumption, is making up a rapidly increasing proportion of those deaths.”—The Journal (Toronto), September 1, 1983, p. 16.
    Former U.S. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Joseph Califano, said: “Today there can be no doubt that smoking is truly slow-motion suicide.”—Scholastic Science World, March 20, 1980, p. 13.
    It is not consistent with what God requires Christians to render to him
    Rom. 12:1: “I entreat you by the compassions of God, brothers, to present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason.”
    The surgeon general of the United States, C. Everett Koop, said: “Cigarette smoking is clearly identified as the chief preventable cause of death in our society.” (The New York Times, February 23, 1982, p. A1) “Medical studies show that . . . the average life expectancy of a smoker is three to four years less than that of a nonsmoker. The life expectancy of a heavy smoker—a person who smokes two or more packages of cigarettes a day—may be as much as eight years shorter than that of a nonsmoker.” (The World Book Encyclopedia, 1984, Vol. 17, p. 430) Is it proper for a person to present his life for service to God and then slowly to destroy that life?
    “Smoking is so devastating, especially to the heart and lungs, that the other aspects of preventive medicine become comparatively insignificant if the person smokes.” (University of Southern California News Service, February 18, 1982) “Smoking is probably the largest single preventable cause of ill health in the world.” (Dr. H. Mahler, director-general of the World Health Organization, in World Health, February/March 1980, p. 3) Is it consistent for a person to present himself to God for sacred service and then deliberately to ruin his health?
    Smoking is a violation of the divine requirement that we love our neighbor
    Jas. 2:8: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”—Compare Matthew 7:12.
    “A recent study . . . revealed that the nonsmoking wives of men who smoke die on the average four years younger than women whose husbands are also nonsmokers.” (The New York Times, November 22, 1978, p. C5) “Smoking during pregnancy can cause congenital malformations so severe that either the fetus dies, or the infant does shortly after birth.” (Family Health, May 1979, p. 8) Such unloving treatment of family members is clear evidence that a person is not acting as a Christian.—Compare 1 Timothy 5:8.
    “Studies have shown that since the average smoker actively smokes his cigarette for only a small portion of the time it is lit, a nonsmoker may actually be forced against his will to breathe almost as much carbon monoxide, tar and nicotine as the active smoker sitting next to him.” (Today’s Health, April 1972, p. 39) A person who is thus unloving toward his fellowman does not give evidence of loving God either.—See 1 John 4:20.

    Adding on to Question 1: The specific places that you can find "Jehovah" in the King James Version of the bible is Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18, Isaiah 12:2, 26:4 (notice all these scriptures are from the Old Testement). New World Translation (the bible the Jehovah's Witnesses favor) has "Jehovah" in the New Testement, however they admit that it didn't show up in the existing, ancient Greek manuscripts. This topic is also in the reasoning book on page 191.

    Adding to Question 2: Marks of an apostate: seeks to make others their followers, (thus causing sectarian divisions), do not want to go door to door, rejecting his visible organization (In this case, the Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses), abandon the true faith (according the JW's interpretation), and talking to an apostate (including people at this forum) would make you an apostate. This is according to their induction and inference, but not specifically explained in the bible. See this topic in the reasoning book on page 34. Only through their induction and inference of scriptures can they answer many of your questions. Apostasy, according to the bible, is straying away from the teachings of Christ or denying Christ. The interpretation of what Christ says varies widely. The Jehovah's witnesses believe that they have the only true faith and that their interpretation is the only true one. If you do not believe their belief exactly then you are an apostate.

  • alliwannadoislive

    danni - the same danni as in the lead singer of 'cradle of filth' ? cool !

  • AlanF

    Teejay and Gumby, your answers were fine and to the point. For questions like these, questioners need everyone's viewpoints. Except maybe from people like You Know, who run away when their faith in false prophets is exposed. I think I'll go off and write YK's response for him.


  • gumby

    Allan:questioners need everyone's viewpoints
    Amen to that bro.

  • Danni

    AlanF. Appreciate it. I am looking up the information you have given me now that's why i did not give a reply to you.

    : Q 7: How can a person isolate themselves if you chose to knock on peoples doors outside your religion

    I don't understand your question

    This i said, because I am told Jehovah's Witnesses isolate themselves from all other people. I was asking how you can isolate yourself if you are indeed trying to socialize with others not of your faith. Such as Knocking at the doors. The question is a bit off.:)

    And the one about the cops I was told Jehovah's Witnesses view me as being a worker for Satan because I am a cop. That makes no sense to me since i also protect the rights of Jehovah's witnesses.

    The kylishlee person.

    Sent a few letters to prove he/she was not sending out hate mail only comments to others (which i have to be honest didn't seem to be hateful at all).

    Kylishlee also made some other comments but I will keep those remarks. to myself to see for myself if they are true.

    Tell your friend "you know" he doens't have to come back and answer I understand now. I am going to go over the informataion you just put out here. Thank you..

    Thanks to all of you. I must apprear to be demanding to all of you. I am not I am really a nice person who just wanted to understand a man. Now i am being taken into a whole new world. I am more interested in religion now than i ever have in the past.

    I hope you all don't take offense to me saying. This is all very captivating to me.

  • AlanF

    : Q 1: Where does the Bible say God's name is Jehovah.

    Psalm 83:18 and thousands of other places in the New World Translation.

    : Q 2: What's an apostate

    Everyone who opposes Jehovah's organization. The venomous snakes on this board are apostates, especially that Fraudbacker.

    : Q 3: What is the "Evil slave vs Good slave" I read this ealier sounds more like a movie in Hollywood.

    Matthew 24:45-51 speaks of the "faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time". Obviously only those taking the lead in Jehovah's organization fit this description. The "evil slave" is anyone from the "slave class" who treacherously leaves and turns around and beats his fellow slaves.

    : Q 4: Why would any one want to be a Slave

    Because Jehovah wants it.

    : Q 5: Why not give a child blood to save their lives. Can this be proven in the Bible also

    Acts 15 clearly states that Christians are to abstain from blood. Taking a transfusion is obviously eating blood, because it nourishes the body, and so Christians must abstain.

    : Q 6: Where does the rule not to talk with family members who left from the Jehovah's Witness (or any ) relious group come from

    From scriptures such as 1 John 2:19, 2 John 9-11, 1 Corinthians 5:11-13, Titus 3:10-11, 2 Timothy 2:16-18, Matthew 10:34-38 and Matthew 18:15-17.

    : Q 7: How can a person isolate themselves if you chose to knock on peoples doors outside your religion

    Matthew 28:19-20 tells us to make disciples. That is what we do.

    : Q 8: How can the watchtower society, control so many millions of people across the world from a head quaters in NY. This is something i am sure my chief would love to know he can't control us in the same city never mind across the world ........LOL

    Jehovah's spirit operates on his people and is our unifying force.

    : Q 9: How can you call the world Evil you live in the world wouldn't that also make you evil

    We are in the world but are not part of the world.

    : Q 10: What do you have against law enforcment. Don't we serve you also. (okay that was personal)..

    We obey all of Caesar's laws that do not conflict with God's laws.

    : Q 11: Does God hate cops . Will you show me where in the Holy Bible.

    What does this have to do with Jehovah's people?

    You should listen to Kylishlee. She demonstrates faith in Jehovah and his organization.

    : Oh one last thing: You gave good advice of finding a neutral site about Jehovah's Witnesses however, you didn't say if you had one. If so please send the link I will be more than happy to look into it.

    I would have recommended WOL (Witnesses On Line), but Satan and his demons shut it down. / You Know

  • gumby

    Till allan gets back... I am told Jehovah's Witnesses isolate themselves from all other people. I was asking how you can isolate yourself if you are indeed trying to socialize with others not of your faith. Such as Knocking at the doors.
    They are required to associate with only fellow believers....meaning other witnesess. They knock on doors to convert people to their faith... not to socialize.
    People who are NOT Jehovah's witnesess are considered.."Bad Association"

  • AlanF

    Hi Danni,

    : Q 7: How can a person isolate themselves if you chose to knock on peoples doors outside your religion
    : This i said, because I am told Jehovah's Witnesses isolate themselves from all other people. I was asking how you can isolate yourself if you are indeed trying to socialize with others not of your faith. Such as Knocking at the doors. The question is a bit off.:)

    I see. Well, JWs generally isolate themselves socially from non-JWs (or at least, they're supposed to), typically using the notions of "being no part of the world" and "keeping yourselves from touching the unclean thing" and "bad associations spoil useful habits" to justify their isolation. However, they don't consider their preaching activity to be social, but a scriptural demand.

    : And the one about the cops I was told Jehovah's Witnesses view me as being a worker for Satan because I am a cop. That makes no sense to me since i also protect the rights of Jehovah's witnesses.

    If you're a cop, you work for the government. All governments are under Satan's control, so you indirectly work for Satan. They don't consider that bad enough, in and of itself, to actually say that you work for Satan, because they allow plenty of JWs to work for governments as long as it's not in a position that can directly compromise what they call "Christian neutrality". But if you're a cop and carry a weapon and can potentially use the weapon on a criminal, for some reason they consider that a violation of neutrality and so they claim that you're directly working for Satan. Don't try to make sense of this nonsense.

    : The kylishlee person.
    : Sent a few letters to prove he/she was not sending out hate mail only comments to others (which i have to be honest didn't seem to be hateful at all).

    Most of the time JWs seem very reasonable. They practice a kind of "love bombing" of newbies at the Kingdom Hall. The velvet glove only comes off if you go far along the road to becoming a JW and then you back off. As everyone else who has received email from this person has discovered, he or she is quite unwilling to dialog with you, and only desires to preach at you. That should set off big red flags.

    : Kylishlee also made some other comments but I will keep those remarks. to myself to see for myself if they are true.

    When you get to the appropriate point, it will be interesting to see your comments about that.

    : Tell your friend "you know" he doens't have to come back and answer I understand now.

    Oops, I've already taken the liberty of answering for him. If he posts an answer later, you'll find it instructive to compare his answers with my satire.


  • Cygnus

    Alan! You are usurping my schtick!

    Knock it off. And if you want some real laughs, join me some time in Yahoo chat re: JWs.

  • AlanF

    Howdy Cygnus! How do I join Yahoo chat?


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