Watchtower Study Article Jun 15 th 2080 (Direct retina scanned edition)
14…The Watchtower of Nov 15 th 2037 brought out the increased light that the 144,000 of Revelation should not be understood as a figurative number , but that the heavenly hope is open to all who wish to partake. We rejoice that the number who profess such a hope has risen to over one million now , together with the over 35 million of the great crowd class. The Sea of Tranquility branch on the moon has reported a new peak of 76,208 and our brothers in Mount Olympus on Mars delighted in a 15% increase last year. Our new branch on Alpha Centauri also reports great interest , and the last Gilead missionaries were sent to the distant settlement at Sirirus. Truly these are a fulfillment of Jesus words at Luke 21:25 , with “signs in the sun and moon and stars”. Evidently this is clear evidence the work is speeding up , as we near the climax of this wicked system of things.
15…What though are we to make of Jesus parallel prophecy of Matthew 24 , in the light of increasing developments among Jehovah’s people? Some have speculated that the generation that Jesus spoke about (Matt 24:34) referred to only one overlapping generation. Indeed , this journal , in Apr 15 2010 indicated that such an understanding may apply.
16…Clearly though , with the passage of time and the clear evidence of Jehovah’s spirit active on the “faithful and discreet slave class” (Mt 24:45-47) it would not be appropriate to limit the length of time to only two overlapping groups of people. The expression “generation” can refer to “ people of varying ages , including great grandparents and their great grandchildren , and their great grandchildren etc whose lives overlap during a particular time period; it can be quite a long time , perhaps even 170 years or slightly more.” So evidently Jesus didn’t restrict the time period to simply two overlapping generations , rather he was indicating that quite a considerable period of time may well pass by from the start of his presence in 1914 until all the signs were fulfilled.
17... How Jehovah’s people rejoice at our enhanced understanding! Clearly this shows an evidence of Jehovah’s spirit active on the “faithful steward class” , together with their representational Governing Body. Let us be active in our preaching activity and material support for Kingdom interests as we endeavour that many more will be gathered in until the end of this system.