Sorry, you inspired me and I can't help myself
How Do You React to New Light?
Par 18. At times, opposers and apostates like to point out that the way that the faithful and discreet slave (MT 24: 45-47) defines the word generation flies in the face of both English and Greek dictionaries, to say nothing of Spanish and Portugeese dictionaries. Should we care about the modern day apostate Judas class and their insistence on using words with proper meanings? Not if we support Jesus, Jehovah, and their faithful and discreet slave. (MT 24: 45-47)
Par 19. Clearly, dictionaries are fine, so long as they are used by Jehovah, Jesus, and the faithful and discreet slave. (MT 24: 45-47) However, our dear brothers and sisters stab themselves all over with many pains when they try to read dictionaries apart from the material printed by the faithful and discreet slave. (MT 24: 45-47) Often, this leads to sadness, lack of faith, hemmoroids, and shingles.
Par 20. The faithful and discreet slave (MT 24: 45-47) has taken great pains to invent new words that please Jehovah. Jehovah himself is well pleased when we ignore the real meaning of words and instead believe everything that is printed in the Watchtower, which is printed under the direction of the faithful and discreet slave. (MT 24: 45-47)
Par 21. "The Watchtower, Announcing Jehovah's Kingdom is Coming Someday" has been faithfully proclaiming the new light from Jehovah everytime Jehovah blesses the faithful and discreet slave (MT 24: 45-47) with new batteries for their flashlight. May we never push ahead of Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave (MT 24: 45-47). It is Jehovah alone who has given the only celestial, spiritual flashlight availble to the group of men known as the faithful and discreet slave. (read MT 24: 45-47)