I know many here are very passionate about this subject, and I must admit both sides have made me think about it more than I would have normally.
But in the final analysis I'm disposed to do absolutely nothing about it and this is my reasoning on it.
We are all going to die some day, and realistically there is not much we can do about it, so why worry about some future time when the planet might have less space on it for humans to live there is nothing I can do to make a difference anyway. What is going to happen will happen my worrying about it isn't going to change anything.
The planet is already over populated because of our longer life span and medical advancements. We can't keep multiplying like we have and expect things to just keep on going like they are going without any serious repercussions to our species. Things have been happening through out history to bring our population under some kind of control in the past and it looks like we are about due for something in the future.
When we have a very large portion of our population all gather into cities and have world wide travel which makes us all just sitting ducks waiting for the next big plague to travel all around the world to wipe out a whole lot of us no matter what scientist are able to do, and I ain't gonna worry about it because human nature is what it is and it ain't until something really big happens that we do something about it anyway. And some times it takes a lot of things to happen over and over again until we get it and are left with no choice but to make a change large enough on a collective basis.
Technology has grown at a far too swift a pace for mans intellect to use it wisely evolutionarily speaking which may just work out naturally to cull the herd. Who knows?
So as far doing something about the weather I'm not going to sweat it, it's not in my hands anyway, it is what it is and I'm content not to get all that excited about it. I have no interest in what comes after me when I'm dead and gone, suffering and pain was a part of human life before I came on the scene and it will be apart of human life after I'm gone and to get all that concerned about it ain't gonna change it one iota.
I know many will want to chastise me for my views, and you are welcome to. Hey you might even change my views. Que sara sara, Is that all there is: