You got one thing right in your anuloughey...
Oh besokbksks,
I do have a large brian... larger than the average symbyan..
by frankiespeakin 33 Replies latest jw friends
You got one thing right in your anuloughey...
Oh besokbksks,
I do have a large brian... larger than the average symbyan..
There is nothing I can do if the sun is burning hotter.
There is nothing I can do if the solar system is moving into a warmer part of the galaxy or is being influenced by cosmic rays.
Plus, what they will not tell you is that the carbon dioxide we do not put into the air now will be put into the air when the oil and coal deposits reach the edge of the techtonic plates, and burn off as volcanic eruptions. It will warm the planet as much then as it is now, so we might as well go ahead and use it up. Besides, now that the "proofs" of man-made global warming are turning up as fakes, there is no real proof (or even strong evidence) that we are warming the planet at all. Estimates of how much we are actually warming the planet range from zero to about 0.1 o C. Which is nothing.
However, there is one source of man-made global warming. President Osama Obama is putting lots of hot air into the atmosphere with all his lies. And that source of global warming can be totally stopped without any hardship whatsoever to everyone else.
I agree that there is nothing that I can do on an individual level to affect anthropomorphic climate change (ACC), as if rapid climate change were the only destructive thing that humans are collectively doing to the biosphere. Our collective effect on this planet has too much inertia to do anything but play itself out to whatever end will inevitably occur.
We are bound by natural laws, physical contraints, and biological needs. Technology is often looked to as a possible saviour, but I see it as a means by which humans have exceeded former limits on population growth, albeit temporarily. Human technology is a shortcut, a cheat, that has enabled us to tap into limited energy sources with high ERoEI for a historically brief period of time.
I think the earth can sustain our current population, maybe more, using ecological principles found in Permaculture design, but I don't think we humans will willingly follow such a path. The current "debate" on climate change looks like an attempt to continue business-as-usual political, economic, and social systems, treating ACC as a problem to be solved from within those systems.
I only hope I live long enough to see what will be, will be.
I total agree:
The current "debate" on climate change looks like an attempt to continue business-as-usual political,
economic, and social systems, treating ACC as a problem to be solved from within those systems.
That's it in a nut shell. Evolution while true,, is a bitch, and survival of the best adaptation will continue to play itself out even if man can excelerate it by DNA tinkering. We are still a link in the DNA chain no matter how much we learn about it, the forces at play in this process still trump us as a species, and what comes after us is still in the cards(as in nobody knows).
Will we evolve into a new species? I say yes or go extinct. Those are the possibilities from my limited point of view. Currant forms of government will not allow us to go much further and still survive to pass on our DNA, I see us going the way of the dinosaurs only not from an asteroid like they did but from our own technological advancements that have surpassed our own limited brains that have not adapted fast enough to keep up with technology. The exceleration of our own technology will be our asteroid IMO.
Its global cooling now not warming climatology is only in its beginning stages its an unpredictable science at best with a huge range of understanding;
Read the Sunspots article in great article unable to cut and paste, fluctuations in climate temp are normal.
Effinham Inlet in British Columbia has some of the most accurate core samples from undisturbed basin floors for millinnea, up to 5000 years of data has been collected. Its the sun that effects climate change a study of reading sunsposts, the Suess cycle, Gliessberg Cycle etc has an effect on climate change.
Too many factors and one sided evidencento draw any solid conclusions at this point in my opinion.
Kinda like Religion!
"I think the earth can sustain our current population, maybe more, using ecological principles found in Permaculture design, but I don't think we humans will willingly follow such a path. The current "debate" on climate change looks like an attempt to continue business-as-usual political, economic, and social systems, treating ACC as a problem to be solved from within those systems."
Yes, as far as the pseudo "debate" is framed in Media and Political terms. No as far as the deep thinkers are concerned and you just mentioned but one of their solutions, permaculture. More important is population stabilization together with sustainable economies.
"Will we evolve into a new species? I say yes or go extinct. Those are the possibilities from my limited point of view."
Wait a minute Frankie, your view when you were responding to me on the first page of this thread, was who cares and why bother? Now, in spite of the fact that you're not calling for action on it, you're stating that we have to change into a new species or die? Agreed, but again, on your post 7324 you said: May I ask you how old you are? And why would you really care what society does after your dead and gone if your not going to be there?
And yet you're reciting possibilities beyond your lifetime.
Wait a minute Frankie, your view when you were responding to me on the first page of this thread, was who cares and why bother?...
And yet you're reciting possibilities beyond your lifetime.
Logically speaking I don't see the contradiction of reciting possibilities and caring.
Of course caring comes in degrees, and realistically I couldn't literally be devoid of all caring or else I wouldn't be starting a thread on the subject. In the context in which I expressed caring it was with regards caring enough to doing anything about it. My logic being why be that concerned when I see I can not do anything about the problems we now face.
The problems we face require a lot more than personal concerns but require a complete over haul of governmental systems based on capitalism or any other forms devised so far. I don't see any way out for our species the price is too painful for humans pay and make the changes needed. I'm pessimistic about the way things will play out, I see no room for optimism when I look at things honestly and refuse to give into the temptation of wishful thinking that some how technology will solve our problems, because it will require a lot more than that. Man's entire nature needs to be change to make the sacrifices needed which I don't or can't see possible under the present state of our development mentally and emotionally.
Based upon past history and man's evolved exploitative nature I see no reason to conclude we have what it takes to overcome what we face, as a species as a whole working together making the sacrifices needed.
The forces of nature and evolution will just have to be played out just like they have always played out in the past it is unavoidable and I'm resigned to just let things happen and feel anything i say or do is just window dressing with no real substantial outcome so why bother.
That is the type of caring I was talking about.
The Population problem is truly our number one problem right now I think it trumps Global Warming.
The problem is how to control it? Realistically we take measures ourselves or mother nature will do it for us. Mother natures way is rather drastic, ie-> wars, famine, disease, uninhabitable environment, global warming, and the like. We humans don't have the capacity I think to do so voluntarily to the extent necessary to avoid mother nature stepping in and doing it for us. The evolved desire to pass on DNA is too strong I'm afraid and so it overrides our good judgement.
The fact that we are all living longer adds to the population problem and is really a two edged sword born from our natural evolved desire to keep on living even when the quality of life is just a few degrees above unbearable,, we want to hang on even when there is no possible hope of improvement for us in the future.
"Its global cooling now not warming climatology is only in its beginning stages its an unpredictable science at best with a huge range of understanding;"
For those who want real information about Global Climate issues and the responses to Climate Change deniers please see the following sites:
Also, Global Climate Denial Crock of the Week, on You Tube, has 26 videos that are concise and simple in explaining the issues at hand, including the claim that we're in Global Cooling when in fact most of the Earth was warmer in 2009-2010 than the portions affected by the blizzard on December of 2009.