Lee, I am a secret admirer of yours, I guess not a secret anymore. What a great topic.
For me, being angry and bitter, as damn hard as I tried, it was there. It worked against me. I needed therapy. Frankly, I still have some issues. I strongly encourage you if you need it to please seek out mental health professionals, whether they be social workers, psychologists, psychatrists, etc....
As hard as it was for me to be angry at God, I am glad that I listened a bit to theists. They didn't bring me a centimeter closer to "truth", but they did help me see the value of spirituality.
I personally recommend two books by Mitch Albom, "Tuesdays with Morrie", and his latest, "Have a Little Faith". Very thought provoking, without demanding you do something other then love others and be a human being.
Lastly, and I speak from my heart here, I don't think that the destruction of Jehovah's Witnesses should be the aim of ANYone. They will go down due to their own shortsightedness and stupidity. If they weren't around, another group would take their place. Better to focus on helping people to love others, and esp, themselves.
Don't judge others from being different. Even if they are Republican. (OOPS! I didn't say that,,,,, carry on...) ;)
Love or perish. That makes more sense every day I live. We all are worthy to receive love, and we all should give it whenver we can. To love another person creates more responsibility on us then any religion or god could ever do. And it means so much. Love as best you can, and be humble as you do so. There isn't such a thing as a loving ass. But there is such a thing as a loving person, who extends themselves for 5 seconds, and they can make all the difference to a person, a family. Don't underestimate love and forgiveness.