GB Samuel Herd on "Angels and Women"
by freetosee 24 Replies latest jw friends
Resurrecting an old thread because I've been reading Seola, which is actually quite good if your just reading it as fiction. Somebody needs to get that talk posted back up if possible. It would be funny to hear Herd referencing a book formally rewritten by the Society that in its own foreword suggests inspiration from demonic forces.
I am postively sure, as a previous poster pointed out, that CT Russell did NOT write the forward to Angels and Women. He may have known about Seola and read it, but the revision of Seola and re-purposing it as Angels and Women was done well after Russell had died.
Oh, I wish I would have copied that audio recording when I first visited this site. I listened to that portion of the talk a few times over the years.
I was just thinking about important years of the bible students/JW's and one of them relates to the publication year of Seola. That novel's date of publication was 1878.
In the early years of the bible students they thought 1878 was the year Jesus took rulership in heaven. They also thought the rapture was also supposed to occur in that year. Please click the link above about "Failed date predictions of Jehovah's Witnesses" on JWfacts. There's a good amount of details on the 1878 predictions.
It looks at though 1878 was supposed to be the real 1914.
I wonder if Leolaia ever finished her project or wrote up the results.