Reading C of C

by startingover 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    I read Crisis of Conscience some time ago and it had a profound effect on me. I just gave it to my ex-bethelite friend to read (he had already discovered the "truth" about the truth on his own). He's about halfway through it and is in the anger stage. We both commented how we thought it would be impossible to read it and not come away a different person.

    Does any of you know of anyone who read it and was not affected?

    Just curious.

    S O

  • ISP

    Nope...everyone that has read it, that I know, has been affected.


  • Lindy

    Fantastic book! You can't read this book seriously and not be affected. Even if you don't read this book seriously, it would still affect you. Read the follow-up book he wrote, "In Search of Christian Freedom." I haven't read it all the way through yet, but I hear it is even more interesting, to say the least.

    As Always,

  • You Know
    You Know

    I read it from cover to cover and thought it was a real yawner. Ray Franz is such a bore. / You Know

  • toddy

    You Know,i think that says more about you than the book.

  • You Know
    You Know
    You Know,i think that says more about you than the book.

    Yes, I'm sure of it. / You Know

  • TweetieBird

    I remember when it first came out, my dad read it. He disassociated himself. A former circuit overseer's wife, at that time commented that she read it, nothing she didn't know already. She's still an active witness. She's the only one I know of that read it and remained.

    "I must stand up in search of the truth, if I don't I only roll with the flow of the lie and make it stronger.

  • Latte

    I am just getting ready to read it through.

    Interesting comments......but what do you do with all the anger/frustration it may bring?


  • jst2laws

    >>"I am just getting ready to read it through.
    Interesting comments......but what do you do with all the anger/frustration it may bring?"

    The anger will take care of itself, especially if you have others to talk to. Its a natural process of letting go and moving on.

    You will find Ray's books do not attack nor paint a needlessly negative picture. He includes encouraging reasoning on the scriptures that will help you.

    Personally, I believe it is best for a person to have faith and a personal relationship with God before reading C of C because you will not have faith in men when you are finished. But thats the way it should be.

    Enjoy it, Latte


  • BluesBrother

    When I ordered it I had to get them to promise to call me at work ,not home, in case I was found out reading apostate lit. But I did and it was moving, fascinating , and from what I know of the Soc. really an inside view.
    I was impressed with his lack of bitterness and angst. still sounded like spiritual man
    I guess it finally nailed the coffin of any belief in the Org.f

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