Elders dont know much !!

by leo999 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • leo999

    Of course , and on the point of whose laws we follow , I asked my mum the question .....' If the society says one thing , but the Bible says something different , which would you obey ?' She said the Society !! I was gobsmacked ! She has been a JW since the 50's and I know she will never change , but others who have said the Bible when asked this question are no longer trapped by this Cult .

  • teel
    For real, Sir82? It's been awhile since I had any biology class that covered the topic. I was going to guess water, which is absurd enough, but the cell wall takes the freaking cake.

    Yes, the majority of the 2/3 of red blood cells are water. Wikipedia here says the hemoglobin is 97% of the RBC's dry content. But obviously the water can be accepted in any form by JWs. So taken apart, there is only one single component of the RBC that JWs can't take: the cell wall.

  • nelly136

    years ago when i last saw the old blood card my mother had, i said oh so youre allowed blood now then, as long as the colourings removed its all ok.

    she just gave me a blank look.

  • TheOldHippie

    I never knew there was a requirement to be appointed an elder that you had medical knowledge. It seems you required that of him. He has no other tools than you have at hand, volumes and CDs, and the possibility of asking the HQ. I do not see why he should be asked, as he has nothing to do with your inner decisions as to what to accept and what not to.

    That much being said, I completely agree the present attitude is bewildering and incoherent and impossible to sort out; it was far easier back in the good old days, when anything "red" was a no-no.

  • leo999

    @ Old Hippie , Yes , I probably did ask him questions that only a medical dr could answer , but in those days , I did expect him to know more as he had offered to the group to help us fill in our forms and if people had any questions to ask him .

    Is it true that one can take all the fractions apart and that is ok , but take them together and add H2O and it is not allowed ?

  • WTWizard

    All the hounders know is what the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger tells them. They simply disregard everything else--which is why they know so little. Yet, we are supposed to give these idiots that know nothing "double honor".

  • BluesBrother

    OTWO said

    Elders are just good "company" yes-men.

    Very true.. When my wife wanted to discuss a point with them she remembered WT articles and quoted them to the P O . He just said that he wasn't even in the truth when that was printed, and took no notice....They also lack the ability to reason and talk to people, as Leo999 found..In the old days they would have said something sensible even if they did not have a full answer

  • recovering

    It is not only medical issues that they are uniformed about. I once was publically reproved for going to juice bar with my boss. I was working for an educational institution when i was 17. They had a juice bar on campus. My boss invited me and the other 2 young employees to have a juice after work. My crazy mother reported me to the elders for going to a bar. I tried to explain to them what a juice bar was to no evail (no alcohol is served in a juice bar, just fruit and vegitable juice). These brilliant men had it in their heads that a juice bar was a bar you went to to get "juiced" (drunk) . I eventually gave up trying to explain, but I never looked at the elders with any respect after this incident.

    Oh the brilliance

  • leo999

    Yes , Blues Brother ,

    I think what disapointed me the most , was his inability to just sit down , discuss and reason with me on the subject . After two or three questions , it became obvious that he didnt know diddly squat lol .This was a life and death matter for me , and for every JW after all ..I asked him about Lev 17 :15 , and discussed the context of it , and asked him. what about 'dead blood ' as I called it ? Could a blood transfusion be ' dead blood ' as it didnt come from a living creature/person . He sat there in silence , reading and rereading that passage , then sheepishly admitted he had never read that ever before .He just didnt know what to say , and said he would check it out and get back to me . 2 weeks later he handed me a list of WT articles to look up , that failed to really answer what I wanted to know .

    Shortly afterwards I discoved the UN / NGO thing and that was the start of the falling dominos .........

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