Yellowstone? SAFE???? Bwah - HaHaHaHaHaHaHa!!!
Duuude, that critter could erupt at any minute!! 'Course, it's not showing 'typical' pre-eruptive indicators - but then again, no human on earth's ever SEEN - well, observed with scientific instrumentation - the precursors for a massive caldera eruption...
I have these websites:
just to keep my eye on that mega-volcano... Here's another site you may want to reference: , tho they don't have Yellowstone monitored on that site...
Also, keep in mind that there is a definite possibility for smaller volcanic eruptions at Yellowstone, too... We live approx. 500 miles south of Yellowstone; I keep an eye on that volcano. If it erupts - if it looks like it's definitely going to have a massive caldera eruption, as opposed to a smaller volcanic eruption - I'm heading for my friend's place in east Texas. 'Cause there will probably be a volcanic winter afterwards...
Oh, and btw... Learned on one of our trips up there that they lose around 24 people per year to the hot springs and geysers... Seems some idiots just don't have much of a survival instinct... Also, one MUST stay on the walkways - the rangers check - or should check - them daily for safety. Recall the problem of sinkholes in areas with limestone - same sort of problem at Yellowstone [no limestone, but volcanic gases degrade rocks constantly] intensified - if a sinkhole opens up under your feet at Yellowstone, there will probably be a pool of blistering, scalding, boiling water - or steam blast - once it opens... Zid