Newbie here, need some input

by FollowerOfSet 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Good points, NN.

    It seems to me that there must come a conversation between you and them that addresses the JW angle in your 'family' re-approachment. I would tend to be wary of this but it sounds as though you want to give it a chance. Nothing wrong with that. Send us a post when you get reinstated. (kidding!)

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I'm with Nathan Natas, something smells/sounds fishy. Why...why after all this time? Do they want something? Do they need something?

    People who have disowned you for last fifteen years don't suddenly show up at your doorstep....unless they want something.

  • jamiebowers

    If there was a great push by the borg to drag those who have "fallen away" back in, I'm sure we would've heard about it here on JWN. So, it doesn't seem your family members are circling you for "theocratic" reasons. We have no way of knowing if your relatives are approaching you for their own personal needs. Be friendly and approachable but cautious at the same time. Good luck, and keep us informed. Maybe they're disillusioned and coming to you, because you were the first to see through the borg.

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    Does the WTS still have the elders periodically check to see if DF/DA ones were interested in coming back and getting re-instated? Seems like I remember this being around the time leading up to inviting people to the Memorial.

    Wow....15 yrs go by and not even a simple howdy. That's some hardcore JW's there. I would try to be a family again and see where it goes. It's sad that you can't have normal family relationships if you disagree with or don't want to life by WTS beliefs.

    Something I regret from being in JW's is all the time I spend getting to know fake JW siblings when I could have spent more time visiting, doing things with and getting to know my real siblings.

    Noticing alot of people left in 1995. (including myself) Welcome FollowerOfSet.

    Think About It

  • flipper

    FOLLOWER OF SET - I tend to agree with Nathan, something is up. After 15 years of no contact there must be some ulterior motive for these JW family members to be coming around. What has changed in YOUR life that would make them come around ? Did you hit the jackpot financially or something ? LOL! Just be cautious, you have good reason to be so. Follow your intuition and instincts. Welcome to the board , look forward to your takes

  • Fatfreek

    Hi FOS,

    So after 15 years without a simple howdy from them, now they are coming around again and being very nice,

    Noting that you Disassociated yourself means you are to be treated as an ex-JW and must be shunned. However, if by they you mean elders, then that's perfectly okay and legal with the congregation and the top ones at the Society. They're probably testing the waters (your current feeling about the troof) especially as we near the Memorial.

    If they are not elders then count your blessings. Be thankful that they have weakened their resolve to be strong JWs, maybe even feeling as you now do.


  • lisavegas420

    I suspect something is up. But what? hmmmm

    Whatever it is, just be yourself. Treat them like you would any other person you barely know.'s been more than 15 years since I've had a real conversation with anyone in my bio-family. I know nothing about them. It would be like meeting strangers.

    Oh well, hope they're cool...and you have a great time. Either yourself. Be true to you.


  • wobble


    I would say go with it, do not get in to religious talk at all, there lies argument and bad feeling, just be family and show them how settled and happy you are out of the cult.

    Did you OFFICIALLY D.A yourself, or just, like me ,walk away ? It makes a difference.



  • quietlyleaving

    Here are some reasons why they may be calling

    1. Jehovahs witnesses are more convinced than ever before that the end is coming. So your family may be very concerned about you.

    2. If they are still believers and if they think you disassociated for reasons other than apostacy they may feel sufficient time has passed for you to have come to your senses.

    3. They may be trying to move away from the religion themselves and are putting out feelers to see if you still believe or not. Many who have DA 'd still believe. Time will tell.

    4. They love you

    Your gut feelings are kosher - JWs as a group have not changed but individuals within the org are changing all the time.

  • Chalam

    Hello FollowerOfSet and welcome!

    I say to give them the benefit of the doubt. If they are reaching out then reach back :)

    Sure, if the issue of "their religion" comes up, you need to be open and honest but no need to be brutal.



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