Has anybody else ever experienced this? When you get into a bit of trouble in the congregation or have certain questions/doubts over teachings and they want to study with you all over again? I don't get it. You could have been a Witness your whole life, know the Bible Teach/Live Forever/Knowledge book front to back, even have studied with others and brought them into the religion - and the elder sitting across from you wants to know if a Bible study would help you. Has this happened to you? Have you been an elder and can explain this?
Why do elders offer to "study" with witnesses?
by donuthole 14 Replies latest jw friends
It has happened to me so many times, they want to find out ALL about you,
for reasons which are too varied to explain here!
They think you are weak and just want to sort you out OR get shot of you.
To help re-spark something in you.
It's good, easy time for them to count.
The only way JWs know how to help is through "Bible Education".
it could be called "reeducation" or "redoctrination" you need brain washing again and they get to count their time too!:)
Think About It
1. Easy time.
2. Only cost is driving back and forth to your house.
3. Out of the elements.
4. Good chance for refreshments.
5. High probability of getting to boast.
Think About It
keyser soze
I remember an elder wanting to study with me because he was concerned that I was 19 and still not baptized. I agreed, so he decided to study with me out of the Live Forever book.
He would ask me after every study if I had any questions about the material. As elementary as it was, and given the fact that I had been attending meetings all my life, of course I would always say no. There was absolutely nothing new about it. He finally became frustrated one day, and lectured me about not showing enough enthusiasm for the study.
I stopped going to meetings..
The elders asked why..
I said I was tired of listening to the same crap over and over..
So they offered me a Bible Study..
What part of..
"I don`t want to hear anymore of that shit.."
Did`nt they understand?..
Brain Dead,Frigg`n Morons!!..
.......................... ...OUTLAW
They have NOTHING else to offer ! it is amazing, they supposedly have the truth from the scriptures, but the best they can do is offer to go through a book that you could recite in your sleep.
What good is that if the doubts you have are what is contained in the book ??????????
Surely, if it is the truth, they should be able to present it from a different angle ,and convince you, but Oh no, it has to be the piddling Bible Teach book (there is a misnomer) or something similar, which is only going to repeat the crap you know to be B.S.
Dubs and logic do not belong in the same sentence.
p.s they also believe if you have sinned you need a study in a book, WHAAAAAATTTTT?????????
Yes seen this happen many times when a person has become inactive they will approach them to see if a bible study with them will help them get back on track coming to meetings and going door to door. When it is a sister they usually ask a pioneer to study with them. One of my friends had a bible study with a pioneer sister to get her back on track after she had a emotional breakdown and was hospitalized for about 6 months.
I studied with a gal who was a baptized witness but she had left the witnesses and wanted to return and she was considered inactive. I was able to count time studying with her because it was requested by the elders. Yep it is on the rare side but it does happen.
If they study with you, they can methodically find out if you are doing anything they are not supposed to. You have "bad" songs in your collection, they reach that part, and you have to throw away every single song except the 135 Kingdumb Maladies, or you are brazenly disregarding authority. You go around to see Christmas lights around town, you are told that's not acceptable. Your field circus time is 87 hours a month instead of the 90 they set themselves up to expect out of you, they tell you that you are disappointing Jehovah (as if that Almighty Lowlife SCUMBAG never disappointed you). You have a job that pays more than $12,000 US dollars a year, they reach the part where you have to either quit or donate it to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund (their choice, not yours). You have a hard time affording a suit, they reach the point where you need to get that suit and you have to borrow to get one.
This is like rebooting an operating system on your computer. If yours has become corrupt and is not behaving as you need it to, you simply re-install the whole operating system. When the hounders want a study, they are effectively reinstalling the religion on you.