Why do elders offer to "study" with witnesses?

by donuthole 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • new light
    new light

    One of the hoops I had to jump through after reinstatement was having a study under the wing of the PO's 19-year old son. Uggh. The reinstatement process is just a gauntlet of ego smashing devices, a kind of refining process to sift out all but the most malleable and/or desperate souls. Talk about an easy "study"-- the student already knows all the answers and has already demonstrated that he will do anything to realign with the congregation! Read the paragraphs one by one, ask the questions at the bottom of the page, the student paraphrases a section of what was read seconds earlier, maybe look up the included verses, and so forth for an hour. It's an appallingly easy way to be able to fill in that holy grail of service report sections---the Bible Study. You know the elders don't hand those out to just anybody.

  • oppostate

    As Highdose said earlier in the thread: It's part of the mental conditioning. 
    If an elder studies with you they are certain to know you've been reprogrammed. 
    If you fail to reprogram you're out.
  • VIII

    It's not only Elders. My Mom offers, week after week, month after month, year after year. I keep hearing that if only I'd take her up on her offer of a *Free in Home Bible Study* I'd see the Truth for what it Really is and Come Back to Jehovah.

    Uh, NO.

    I am not interested, nor is my never-a-JW-husband.

    She thinks that the offer of a bible study and the mind numbingly dull material will entice me to go back to the Cult. Again, a resounding NO.

    Once your brain is lifted out of the liquid, dipping it back into the Watchtower juice ain't gonna happen.

  • TardNFeatheredJW

    I was offered a study by the elders at my mothers hall about a month ago. I graciously denied. I've been inactive and happy since 1993, doing holidays, enjoying "normal" life. They start studying with me, they are sure to DF me for so many different reasons. Besides, why would I want to be dubbie? My kids would never forgive me! haha.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Years ago, I guess my field circus hours were too low or irregular or whatever, and the elders pressured me to do a study with a pioneer sister. It must have been in 2002 or 2003 - not very long after I got baptized in the first place. It was a complete waste of time, and I was so grateful when it was over. The last thing I needed was a third night of the week tied up - I had two kids still in diapers and I worked full time. What a pain in the rear.

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